Monday Morning WOW (11 Sep - 9am)
ACT Athletics (12th Sep)
Year 5 Combined Band (14th Sep)
Market Day (15th Sep)
Griffin to Be the Best You Can Be Day (19th Sep - 9:30am-1:30pm)
Choir Floriade Excursion (19th Sep - 12pm-3pm)
Year 3 Assembly (20th Sep - 2:15pm)
Dear Duffy Primary School Community,
Welcome to Week 8.
Year 6 Market Day is most certainly a highlight of the Duffy School Community. At Wednesdays assembly Year 6 gave us a sneak preview with their Market Advertisements of what to expect. This has created much excitement across the school, and we are all looking forward to ‘A DAY AT THE MOVIES’.
Thank you in advance for your support in donations and/or for purchasing tickets to the DAY AT THE MOVIES for your child/ren. There is still time to purchase tickets and donate!
The note for purchasing tickets can be found on our website here or on Seesaw in the announcements section.
Learning Journeys
Thank you for your engagement in learning journeys this week. I am sure you would agree that the school looked magnificent, and the classrooms and corridors were abuzz with chatter and excitement as little and big learners shared a variety of different experiences with you. As a school, learning journeys are an important feature of our commitment to partnering with you and strengthen the connections between home and school.
As we value your input and are regularly seeking ways to improve, we ask that you take a few minutes to complete the brief survey below about our learning journeys.
Thank you!
Indigenous Literacy Day Book Swap
Our book swap for Indigenous Literacy Day took place yesterday and was a great success! We raised $316 for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation who help support in remote communities where there is often no infrastructure such as libraries or bookstores and access to reading material is extremely limited.
The Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF) focuses on ensuring access to quality resources, including books in First Languages to children and families living in these remote Communities across Australia. Duffy Primary School also receives donations of quality Indigenous Literature from the ILF each term.
We hope you had the chance to find a new favourite book! There were definitely some enthusiastic readers who spent their lunch play exploring their new books.
Voluntary Contributions
Thank you to all in our community who have been able to make this contribution. With the money to date we have purchased new reading materials for classroom to support student growth. There is still time to contribute.
School Operational Changes
With the implementation of the updated Teaching Agreement 2023-26, as a school we have had to make changes to our daily timetable. This ensures our teachers have a 30-minute uninterrupted break within the first 5 hours of workday and gives teachers their required release from face to face. Canteen orders will remain at the first eating break.
With every best wish for a wonderful weekend with your beautiful families.
Katie, Arilia, Sarah and Katie
This term, Year 2 have been on a musical exploration, learning about elements of music.
Each week, we listen to two movements from 'The Carnival of the Animals' by French composer Camille Saint-Saëns and compare elements including pitch, tempo and dynamics.
We have also learned many musical terms and how they compliment one another.
This includes presto and adagio (fast or slow), staccato and legato (sharply or smoothly) or forte and piano (loud or soft).
Pecking like a chicken (Staccato)
Stacking cups like a tortoise (Adagio)
Plodding like an elephant (Low Notes)
Flittering like a flock of birds (High Notes)
Blowing bubbles like a fish (Piano)
Bobbing like piano keys (Forte)
Writers Workshop
Our writing focus this term has been all about 'Writing about Reading'.
Students followed the steps of the writing process (think, talk, plan, draft, revise, edit, publish) to create letters to others, in which they shared their opinions about different texts and gave evidence and reasons to support their ideas.
We then used our powers of persuasion to write book recommendations based on our favourite texts.
Review by Zoey K
Review by Tegan N
Review by Isaac G
In maths, we have been investigating the relationship between multiplication and division and their connection to fractions. We have looked at ways to divide whole objects and collections of objects into halves, quarters and eighths, ensuring we have equal parts.
Our next step is to link this knowledge with our understanding of clocks, as we discover how to tell time to the hour (o'clock), half hour (half past) and quarter hour (quarter past/quarter to).
Fractions of an Object
Fractions of a Collection
Prime Minister
Barney Mungoven
Deputy Prime Minister
Kleio Slater
Nina Aubrey
These will be presented at Monday Morning WOW (September 11th - 9am).
Merit Awards
Maeve M - KBS
Charlie F - KBS
Timaleti F - KDL
Zemirah S - KDL
Lauren N - KRP
Jackson S - KRP
Sandy M - 1ET
Henry W - 1ET
Logan P - 1JS
Sarah G - 1JS
Veronica R - 1SF
Toby M - 1SF
Judd C - 2KJ
Bella K - 2KJ
Waratah V - 2RW
Greta H - 2RW
Zion O - 3MS
Pihu S - 3MS
Tay R - 3SZ
Josh F - 3SZ
Amelia C - 3VS
Max H - 3VS
Jacob R - 4JB
Ryder I - 4JB
Tohitangi F - 4RP
Chloe B - 5CM
Israel O - 5CM
Bronte B - 5CN
Yaksh P - 5CN
Sarah R - 6LK
Eve J - 6LK
Kieran O - 6LK
Adele M - 6ZG
Morgan K - 6ZG
Sean C - GBP
Aiden B - GBP
PBL Hero Awards
River I - 2RW
Dale S - 2RW
Theodore S - 2RW
Gold Spirit Awards
James C - 1ET
Elizabeth D - 1ET
Dolkar D - 1ET
Ilya D - 1ET
Elise G - 1ET
Ella H - 1ET
Ethan M - 1ET
Hayden T - 1ET
Henry W - 1ET
Lexi W - 1ET
Aria K - 1SF
Willy M - 1SF
Richard M - 1SF
Jessica B - 2RW
Franky C - 2RW
Dylan E - 2RW
Marine F - 2RW
Wyatt G - 2RW
Jesse H - 2RW
River I - 2RW
Zoey K - 2RW
Akain K - 2RW
Avie L - 2RW
Lennox M - 2RW
Tegan N - 2RW
Dale S - 2RW
Elizabeth S - 2RW
Chase S - 2RW
Waratah V - 2RW
Scarlett W - 2RW
Finnley W - 2RW
Billy W - 2RW
Edward W - 2RW
Finn W - 2RW
Lachlan A - 3MS
Rupert A - 3MS
Finnegan D - 3MS
Thomas G - 3MS
Maeve H - 3MS
Erin H - 3MS
Elliot H - 3MS
Gabe K - 3MS
Maria K - 3MS
Tyson M - 3MS
Charlie M - 3MS
Muaz S - 3MS
Pihu S - 3MS
Ivy S - 3MS
Silver and Bronze Awards will be handed out by Exec staff during the week.
Silver Spirit Awards
Theo H - KRP
Max S - KRP
Isobel A - 1JS
Jude F - 1JS
Joey W - 1JS
Anya J - 2KJ
Flynn J - 2KJ
Florence M - 2KJ
Caspar M - 2RW
Eleanor Z - 2RW
Lachlan A - 3MS
Rupert A - 3MS
Arthur B - 3MS
Marley B - 3MS
Finnegan D - 3MS
Thomas G - 3MS
Maeve H - 3MS
Erin H - 3MS
Elliot H - 3MS
Gabe K - 3MS
Maria K - 3MS
Tyson M - 3MS
Charlie M - 3MS
Zion O - 3MS
Muaz S - 3MS
Pihu S - 3MS
Ivy S - 3MS
Stella W - 3MS
Bronze Spirit Awards
Athena A - 2KJ
Sara B - 2KJ
Greta H - 2RW
Hamza Q - 2RW
Lachlan A - 3MS
Marley B - 3MS
Finnegan D - 3MS
Thomas G - 3MS
Maeve H - 3MS
Erin H - 3MS
Elliot H - 3MS
Gabe K - 3MS
Maria K - 3MS
Charlie M - 3MS
Zion O - 3MS
Muaz S - 3MS
Pihu S - 3MS
Ivy S - 3MS
Stella W - 3MS
Uniform shop
A reminder to all families that the Duffy Primary School Uniform Shop does not fill orders in Week 10. Last orders for Term 3 will be filled on Friday of Week 9 (15 September) The cut-off for orders is 5pm Thursday 14 September. Any orders received after that time will be held over to Term 4.
Next opening day will be the final, Friday 15 September from 8:30-9am.
The P&C are running a tea towel fundraiser with our limited-edition 50th Anniversary Tea Towel design made up of self-portraits drawn by all our children and staff!
The pictures and names will be arranged all together as a commemorative design for the junior & senior school then screen printed onto premium white 100% cotton tea towels.
Tea towels can be ordered from the Expressions website (https://www.expressions.com.au/fundraising-schools) or via the letter that has come home with your children.
There is a sample tea towel hanging at reception to view.
Only $16 each OR SAVE by ordering more… Get 3 for $45
Thank you for your continued support!
Contact: Claire Dyer – secretary@duffypandc.org.au
Don’t forget to connect with your Year level parent community on Facebook – this is a great way to stay connected, get year/school specific information and even organise gatherings.
Just search “DPS Year” on google and the groups will pop up, or head to the Duffy Primary Parents and Citizens Facebook page for more info.
Don’t forget that the lovely staff at Baker’s Delight Cooleman Court give the school store credits for every purchase made. These credits help us run events like school barbeques and other fundraising events.
Don’t forget to mention Duffy
Primary BEFORE your purchase.
Changes to Upcoming Assemblies
Please also note the change in dates for Year 2 and Kindergarten Assembly:
Term 4 Week 2 – Year 2
Term 4 Week 8 – Kindergarten
Additional Koori Preschool sessions from 2024
Additional Koori Preschool sessions will be available at the start of the 2024 school year for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the ACT. Extra sessions of 15 hours a week will be offered at three of the ACT’s five Koori Preschools: Narrabundah Early Childhood School, Ngunnawal Primary School and Wanniassa School.
Koori Preschool provides children aged 3 to 5 years with a play-based, culturally safe learning program. Families attending Koori Preschool can also attend universal preschool. Children attending Koori Preschool do not need to live in the Priority Enrolment Area. Enrol now at education.act.gov.au
Find out more about Koori Preschool by contacting the Early Childhood Education Officer by email EDUKooriPre@act.gov.au or calling 620 71106.
Big skills for small bikes – Register for the July and September course now!
Families can now register for the big skills for small bikes course run by Pedal Power ACT. Big skills for small bikes is a learn to ride course for younger children aged 3-8, which focuses on teaching parents and carers how to get their kids riding confidently and safely. This is a beginner course best suited to kids who are not yet riding on their own unaided.
The course includes 5 separate 45-minute sessions delivered each morning from Monday to Friday. Courses in the July and September school holidays are currently open for registration. More information on the course including dates, registration and pricing is available on the Pedal Power Website.
Learning for Life
The Learning for Life program helps children by supporting their education from primary through to post-school studies, like TAFE or University.
Learning for Life provides:
To be eligible for Learning for Life, you need to:
Have a child or children in Primary School, at one of the schools The Smith Family work with
Have a Health Care or Pension Concession Card
Have a strong commitment to your child/ren’s education and make sure they attend school regularly
To register your interest in Learning for Life, you need to:
Click this link https://www.thesmithfamily.com.au/campaigns/learning-for-life-expression-of-interest
Fill out the relevant details (your name, phone number, child/ren’s details and School Information)
You will then receive an email from The Smith Family with information about next steps
If you have any questions about Learning for Life, or need help to apply, you can call The Smith Family on 0481 464 065 or 1800 280 223.