Did you know? 

You can find notes on our website. 

 Click here for school notes!


Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to March and the midpoint of a highly productive Term 1.

Our Week 4 Parent Partnership Meetings, Open Classrooms and P&C Welcome BBQ were all great opportunities for our community to connect. The teachers loved touching base with parents and lots of valuable information was shared that will assist us to meet each child’s individual needs.  We are sure you all enjoyed visiting your child/ren’s learning spaces and to begin a dialogue that will continue throughout the year.


A big thank you to our wonderful P&C, school staff and volunteers for hosting a fabulous ‘Welcome BBQ’. It was great to see teachers, children and parents meeting together for a sausage and a chat.


We are proud to highlight one of our families in our community. Finn (preschool), Clancy (Year 1) and their mum and dad, Sarah and Jeremy were recent media stars. They openly shared their story on International Rare Diseases Day. Please click here to view on ABC news or here for the ACT Public Schools Facebook post.

Last Friday we celebrated ‘Clean Up Australia Day’. It was a great opportunity for our students to take practical action to improve our local environment. We are continuing to educate our students about our responsibility towards our world. A major focus to date has been around our commitment to improving 3Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle – while developing positive environmental values in students and the whole school community.

New signage has been added to classrooms encouraging our students to use the correct bins.

 Two practical ways you can support this is by:


Our swimming carnival (3-6) and water fun day (P-2) was held on Tuesday 5th March.  A tremendous amount of work goes in behind the scenes to ensure that our students get the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful day.  Thank you to all the teachers who supported Chris Currie before the event and after, and to the parent volunteers on the day for both events.


Learning and Teaching

By sharing regular updates on our school improvement plan, we aim to strengthen the connection and between home and school, ultimately leading to improved student outcomes.

Priority 1:

Increase individual student growth in writing across all year levels.

Our teachers have worked with Writing Consultant, Catherine Nash on planning as well as viewing modelled lessons aimed at strengthening their practice around the teaching of writing. Some key tools we are using in our classrooms include writing partners, mentor texts and authors as well as writer’s notebook. Visual anchors in the classroom support our students understanding of the writing process as well as strategies to support their independent writing.  

Priority 2: 

Improve the percentage of students making expected growth in number.

Students from K- Year 6 participate in Daily Review in Numeracy at least 3 times per week.  The Daily Review consolidates students’ understanding and develops their fluency in essential understandings for numeracy sessions. It also ensures that students have the prerequisite skills for the day’s lesson. The Daily Review adds to students’ confidence by ensuring that previously taught skills and concepts are reviewed in a sequenced and planned way. Students use mini whiteboards for their Daily Review so that the teacher can frequently check for understanding.

Parent Engagement Session

It has been wonderful to see so many parents/ carers attend our Parent Engagement Session recently focused on Duffy’s approach to Literacy Learning in the early years (K-2). We also shared practical ways parents/carers can support your child/ren at home.

Please click presentation and handout

We hope you all enjoy the Canberra Day long weekend.

With every best wish for a wonderful week ahead with your beautiful families.


Katie, Arilia, Sarah and Fiona


Year 3 and Year 5 students with be completing NAPLAN tests in Week 7 and 8. As a parent, you can become familiar with NAPLAN Online tests by visiting the public demonstration site, NAPLAN - Public Demonstration Site. The purpose of the site is to familiarise students with the type of items they will see on NAPLAN Online and related functionalities. This level of familiarisation is worthwhile to help students understand and be comfortable with the format of the test. If you have any questions or wish to discuss your son or daughter’s participation in this event, please contact Sarah Moore, 3-6 Executive Teacher, sarah.moore@ed.act.edu.au.

Please see timetable below:


When paying money into the school bank account it is essential that you include the STUDENT NAME and the IDENTIFIER

in your transaction as receipting it to the correct family is not possible.


Thankyou to families who have paid for the 2024 stationery packs.

Payments can still be made; your children are using the resources in their classrooms.


Invoices for Year 6 band will be emailed to relevant families next week.


Voluntary Contribution letters will be sent out next week. Please remember to indicate if they are to be receipted to BTF (Building Trust Fund) or CRF (Classroom Resources Fund.


Alice Lollback – Business Manager

E: alice.lollback@ed.act.edu.au

Phone: 6142 2513


 The Right to Disconnect

Our teachers and school staff work hard every day to provide the best outcomes for every student.

Preparing for great teaching takes time. It is important that our teachers and school staff have time outside their core hours to rest and reset.

Communication with parents and carers is important to us and our staff will always work to get back to your enquiries within a reasonable timeframe. We aim to do this within 3 workings days. If your matter is urgent we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

There is no expectation that teachers respond to queries from families during their personal and family time.

Every student and every family is important to us. By respecting the time of our teachers, you are helping to make time for great teaching.

We want to continue to work closely with you on your child’s learning at school and do our best to respond to you in a timely manner.

We update families on what is happening at our school in a number of ways including Sentral communication,  emails, notes, newsletters, and social media. We encourage you to stay in touch with our school through these channels


Uniform Shop Update

After six years of unchanged prices we are reluctantly increasing the price of some uniform shop items in order to cover costs. A small increase ($1-$2) in price of some items will come into effect for orders made from the start of term 2 (29 April 2024). You can find the new price list here.

The uniform shop will be trialling new opening hours and is now open every Friday morning 8.30am to 9am except for the last Friday of each term when the shop will be closed to allow for stocktake. Placing orders via flexischools is still the best way to order however we understand coming into the shop allows customers to look, try on items and purchase items if in stock. You might also be able to save some money by finding what you're after in the second hand items. 

P&C AGM – Please consider joining the P&C! 

The P&C Annual General Meeting is being held next Tuesday 12 March, at 7pm at the school (you can also join online if you can’t make it in person).


Please consider coming along and putting your hand up to join the P&C. We'd love to see some new faces in 2024. No previous experience or special skills necessary, just a willingness to assist and be part of a great team who share the load and have fun. 


Please note that you do not have to be on the Committee to attend P&C meetings or volunteer at events. Attending meetings is a fantastic way for parents and carers to find out about things happening in and around the school and get involved in their child’s school experience.


If you want to know more, would like the online meeting details, or are interested in a role but are unable to attend the meeting, please contact either Kate (duffypandc@gmail.com) or Jen (secretary@duffypandc.org.au).

Find the Duffy Primary Parents and Citizens Association on




Don’t forget to connect with your Year level parent community on Facebook – this is a great way to stay connected, get year/school specific information and even organise gatherings.

Just search “DPS Year” on google and the groups will pop up, or head to the Duffy Primary Parents and Citizens Facebook page for more info.


Week 3 - Merit Awards


Jett Saddler-Lyons

Thomas Holding

Mitchell Roffey 

Riley Humphries

Mille Seevicnk 

Pip Simms

Year 3

Taylem Potts 

Billy Whiting 

Waratah Veikkanen 

Cooper Hogg 

Year 6

Bronte Beadman 

Aidan Kelly 

Lucian Jovanovic

Paige Ford 

Year 1

Maeve McGarva 

Max Stone 

Fletcher Kelly 

Sophia Low 

Year 4

Gabe Kelly 

Pihu Sharma 

Grayson Ellis 

Amelia Curran 

Year 2

Alexander Hadlington 

Kirby Moore

Edgar Jones 

Josephine Day 

Logan Properjohn 

Axel Armstrong 

Year 5

Matthias Cram 

Alienna Godsmark

Ryker Cook 

Summer Mead 

Week 5 - Merit Awards


Freddie Heim 

Asher Collins 

Chester Horyna 

Lawson Taylor 

Aaleeyah Kocak 

Elizabeth Monro 

Year 3

Judd Collins 

Poppy Fisher 

Patricia Mullaney 

Jesse Harders 

Year 6

Ali Alaswad 

Charlotte Green 

Lizzy Kubenko 

Leo Idriss 

Year 1

Theodore Anderson 

Lauren Narel 

Clancy Johnson 

Ruby Drury 

Year 4

Oscar Baguley 

Audrey Bryant 

Maria Kubenko 

Finnegan Daly 

LSUA Green

Peter Kolodziejczyk

Luis Flores

Year 2

Alexander Dyer 

Jonae Jacky

Mason Emery

Elizabeth Davis 

Richard Munro 

Anneli Buckley

Year 5

Thomas Wilson 

Aaron Jain 

Jaxson Kemp 

Lucy Hood Gall 

LSUA White

George Verrent

Manu Schuster


Prime Minister

Racquel Smith

Deputy Prime Minister

Ma'asi Tapa

Opposition Leader

Ella Bryant

Deputy Opposition Leader

Colin Fisher


Rain Tran


Requirements for daily sign-in/out and wearing of identification

Volunteers and visitors must sign-in/out for each visit, recording the date, start and finish times and the tasks undertaken.  

All Volunteers and Visitors at Duffy Primary School must enter and exit the school via the front office sign in on arrival prior to proceeding to their destination or activity (including accompanying students on excursions), identify themselves (present WWVP registration card or other identification if relevant) and report to front office staff to be signed out before leaving the school. You will be given a Visitors sticker each time you visit which must be displayed for the entirety or your visit.

This allows the school the opportunity to monitor compliance with the WWVP Act and Emergency Evacuation Procedures.

Duffy Preschool has a Visitors and Volunteers sign-in and sign-out register and you must report to preschool staff before proceeding to work with students. 

Safe Parking

It is the responsibility of everyone in the community to drive and park safely, especially around schools. School environments can become congested during drop-off and pick-up times, please be sure to follow the road rules and pay extra care when dropping off or collecting students.

Please make sure you are parking where it is legal and safe, which could be a little further away from school if this will avoid safety and traffic problems.

More information is available on the Transport Canberra website.

Dogs on School Grounds

Just a  reminder that under the Domestic Animals Act, dogs are not permitted on school grounds.

Section 42 of the Act defines places where dogs are prohibited. These include the grounds of a child care centre, preschool, primary school, high school or secondary college during school hours or when school sport including training is being conducted or a dog is taken into the grounds with the approval of the principal (e.g. service support dogs). Dogs are prohibited within 10 metres of anything designed for play by children in a public place if children are playing on it; a fireplace designed for cooking food; or a swimming area defined by a sign erected.

We understand that dogs are an important part of people's families, and for some the walk to school is a good opportunity to take the dog for a walk. However, as well as the legislation mentioned above, there are children and adults in every school that for whatever reason find it difficult to be around dogs. We ask that you keep this in mind when walking your dog, and please do not bring them onto the school grounds.  Thank you!


Monday Morning WOW

This coming Monday morning WOW will be held on Tuesday as Monday is a public holiday.


Wednesday assemblies will now commence from 2:30pm-3pm. 

The next assemblies for the term are: Week 8 - Year 3 and Week 10 - Year 4.

Please see our website for an assembly roster for the year.

School Uniform

The School Board endorses the wearing of uniform as it is part of the school ethos of helping to create a sense of belonging and pride in the school and so engender a positive school spirit.  Students at Duffy Primary School are encouraged to wear their school uniform or school colours each day.

Students must be in uniform when attending excursions or outside events; this is to ensure their safety. When parents complete permission notes for excursions or school events, they are acknowledging this requirement.

Triple P Positive Parenting Program campaign on confidence

In 2024, the Triple P Positive Parenting Program is running a campaign focused on confidence. Confidence is beneficial for kids, as it helps them with enjoyment, trying new things, and doing well in school. It can also help lessen social anxiety and school refusal. Parents and carers play a key role in building confidence.


Further information on ‘supercharging self-esteem in children’ and access to free online parenting courses, can be found at Supercharging self-esteem - how to build confidence in children | Triple P Positive Parenting Program.


Contact Sally Johnson on sally.johnson@act.gov.au

Early Intervention team – Parent workshop series – Years 4 – 12

School Psychology Service (SPS) Early Intervention team is offering a series of 2-hr workshops in 2024. Schools are asked to place flyers in school newsletters so parents/carers of years 4-12 students can register their interest and attendance using the QR code directly.


The remaining Responding to your child’s strong emotions’ workshop for term 1 is on Tuesday, 19 March 2024 at 9:30 am - 11:30 am at the Hedley Beare Centre for Teaching and Learning.




Contact Ava Trudinger on sps_earlyintervention@ed.act.edu.au

Parent and Carers Online Safety Webinars

The Online Safety Education team are committed to supporting school communities to develop their online safety skills and knowledge. The team aim to increase the number of safe and positive online experiences students have and reduce the number of online safety incidents that impact on learning environments.

There are multiple webinars running each term with both afternoon and evening times available that will help your family be more confident and safer online by:

· understanding online safety and risks young people face

· learning strategies to prevent and respond to online issues

· supporting your child to be safe online

· knowing where to go for further support.

Register for the Parent & Carer Online Safety Webinars – 2024 online at https://bit.ly/2024_OnlineSafetyWebinar_RSVP


Chess Club

Learn to be a chess champion! Coaching for Duffy Students is available on Fridays from 8:30am to 9:15am in the library.

Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment. Activities include group lessons on a demonstration chess board or interactive whiteboard, puzzle solving and fun practice games.

If your child is interested in taking part, email enrol@sydneyacademyofchess.com.au for a copy of the enrolment form. For all enquiries, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170. 

Currently looking for girls/boys - year 2 & Year 4 girls - years 7-10 to join Hurricanes Netball Club 2024!

Hurricanes Netball Club, one of the newest clubs within the Tuggeranong Netball Association.

At Hurricanes we offer the opportunity for girls/boys and women of all ages to participate in a safe, friendly, and competitive sporting environment. Hurricanes Netball Club aims to provide your child with the best opportunity to develop the required skills and knowledge for delivery of success both on and off the court. We have a team of wonderful coaches who bring a wealth of knowledge at both club and representative levels. Our coaches will foster individual needs through the development of individualised programs to assist with the skill development of each child.

Our aim is to offer individual, team and social skill improvements to all players no matter what their skill level. We encourage families to be involved and we at Hurricanes see ourselves as a family orientated club.

If you are looking for a friendly, competitive netball club in the Tuggeranong area, drop us a line - we would love to hear from you. We have great sponsors, lots of social functions (BBQ's, Trivia Nights, Parties etc) and encourage everyone to join in.

Email us at hurricanesnetball@yahoo.com or call on 0431 545 691 

Learning For Life

The flyer below shares information about an opportunity that has been made available to families at our school called the Learning for Life Scholarship Program. It’s run by the Smith Family organisation. They provide financial support to families who are eligible to help with costs related to education, such as book packs, uniforms and excursions. They also provide access to education programs that can further support your child.


To be eligible, you must;


Please contact the front office if you are interested in receiving a referral form or would like to discuss your eligibility.


Home Learning Hub

Literacy People's Literacy Learning Modules - A guide for engaging parents and carers

Mindfulness Podcast Series - ACT Education Directorate







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