Lesa Morgan

Founding Principal

We all owe a debt of gratitude for she--and a team of forward thinking community leaders and educators-- are the reason West Florida High School of Advanced Technology exists.

In 1997, in an effort to educate and address the need for qualified, skilled workers, then- principal of George Stone Vocational Center, Mrs.Morgan, began to work endlessly researching and ultimately creating a high school with wall-to-wall career academies that would begin to train a future workforce.

In 2001, now as Principal of West Florida High School of Advanced Technology- the first magnet high school in the county, Mrs. Morgan welcomed 300 freshmen onto the campus located at 2400 Longleaf Drive

With her administrative team, Mrs. Morgan worked tirelessly to hire strong faculty and staff who would integrate academics with vocational curriculum. With her in the lead, West Florida received their first A school designation in 2003- where it has remained

2010 was a big year as not only was Mrs. Morgan was named Innovative Principal of the Year for Career and Technical Education for the STATE of Florida but she was also promoted to Director of Workforce Education for the county.

Mrs. Morgan became Director of High Schools for the Escambia County School District in July 2014.

Throughout our 20 years, our academies may have changed and our campus may have moved, but one thing has remained constant and that is the heart and mission of this school--Mrs. Morgan’s heart and mission.