Bill of Rights Day: December 15th

What are the Bill of Rights and why are they SO important?

The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution. These amendments guarantee essential rights and civil liberties, such as the freedom of religion, the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, trial by jury, and more, as well as reserving rights to the people and the states.

The Constitution Center has created a short document titled: Eight Basic Facts About the Bill of Rights. This document explains how we got the Bill of Rights and why they weren't included in the original Constitution.

Required Instruction: Bill of Rights


  1. View the Google slides presentation.

  2. Play Annenberg Classroom online Bill of Rights game

  3. View the Bill of Rights Cartoon Strip again (in the PowerPoint). Take a sheet of paper, divide it into 10 sections. Create your own Cartoon Strip using each box to represent a different amendment.