Salesforce for Parent Teacher Associations

Salesforce for PTAs

PTA’s rely on the support of volunteer parents, lending a hand to help the school fundraise for essential equipment, resources and opportunities for the students.

Managing fundraising activities requires a lot of effort, but with Salesforce CRM we can help your PTA team save essential time by co-ordinating, recording and managing communications, fundraising, volunteer and team information in a more efficient and effective way.

A CRM also keeps your data secure and helps you comply with GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation.

Salesforce CRM could be the ideal system for your PTA if it is a registered charity.

Salesforce offer a platform called the Non-Profit Cloud. This provides the perfect platform to manage fundraising, volunteering and team activities. Check out the information on this website to find out more about what Salesforce offers across these areas. Click here to find more about Salesforce

Registered Charities can apply for 10 free user licenses via the website, please see the link below:

A Helping Hand

Getting a handle on a new system can be little daunting especially if it's in your spare time so that's why we wanted to offer a helping hand.

At Economic Change, our team are passionate about supporting parents, children and education. We want to support socio-economic well-being of families and their communities. Developing the Salesforce for PTA initiative aligned with our values and purpose perfectly.

At Economic Change, we run programme called Salesforce Supermums supporting mums (and dads) back into work, who are training as Salesforce Administrators. After three months of training they volunteer for a non-profit to help them adopt Salesforce. Your PTA Charity could benefit from the support of a Salesforce Supermum offering 6 days of free set up, configuration and training support.

Our trainees start their work experience at set times throughout the year, so on receipt of your application we can discuss availability and time-frames.

If you are interested please seek confirmation that your PTA would like to progress with the Salesforce implementation, and Apply for Free Support .

What our benefiting PTA's say...

"Salesforce is a wonderful resource for PTAs. Trustees inevitably come and go off a PTA and it is an invaluable resource to pass on to new trustees. All documentation, record keeping and finances are in one place. With the new GDPR regulations, it is important that the data we hold is secure and the PTA package from salesforce allows us to meet these requirements. The training was flexible enough to work around family and work life!

We wanted to increase communication with parents and raise parent engagement...I love that salesforce allows us to send out questionnaires to increase these links with parents." Nicole, Secretary at Guestling PTA