Friday 28th June 2024
Dear Families,
Last week we saw two evening performances of Peter Pan from our children in Years 4, 5 and 6. The talent and passions the children have is nothing short of remarkable. The children have been rehearsing for this for a number of months and have shown such dedication and commitment but most of all they have been having fun and showed a love of performing! Ms Scofield, Miss Smith and Miss Fawcett have all given their time generously to enable the performance to take place, I am always so grateful to all our team of staff who are so dedicated and go beyond what is expected to ensure our children get opportunities beyond the school curriculum, without them such events could not take place.
FOSHA is a very important part of our school community and throughout the year we have a small and dedicated team of parents and staff who support school which in turn raises very much needed funds for all of our children in school. Without this team we would really struggle to buy some of the resources that we would like to have in school for our children. I would like to thank all of the team from this year for all of their work and dedication to our school. This year FOSHA have organised the Christmas disco, sent gifts to Santa, supported with refreshments at many of our events, organised the community bingo and our very successful summer fair. We really are so very grateful for all that you do and give to us as a school. We would welcome many more parents supporting with this special work that takes place throughout the year, we will really struggle to hold the events we do without support so if you feel you are able to help next year please do contact school.
Have a lovely week,
Mrs Winter
SHARING ASSEMBLIES - Wednesdays from 2.45 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.
10th July - Team Dove
17th July - Team Aire
What's Cooking?
I have finished working with children from Team Nidd this week making Gingerbread People! The children have continued to learn about hygiene and safety and have had a chance to use a rolling pin and cutters. They have had the opportunity to experience art works with a food focus and decorated some fantastic gingerbread people.
Whilst eating their biscuits, they listened to the story of the Gingerbread Man and enjoyed discussing their thoughts on the story. They then had the opportunity to further develop their colouring skills and designed their very own Gingerbread Person. Well done Team Nidd, you all did a fantastic job in Cook School.
As I mentioned last week, Team Humber and Team Foss helped to make cupcakes and other baked goods for the school fayre and what a tremendous success they were. We raised a fantastic £214.50 on the cake and hotdog stall so thank you again to all of you.
Mrs Soper
Cook School Lead
The Second Star to the Right Shone Incredibly Brightly
For our 2nd year running, our summer show was an immense success. With an outstanding dress rehearsal to the school and singing their songs to the residents of Osborne House, we didn't believe it could get any better.
However, their performances to their family and friends on Tuesday and Wednesday evening was their best ever.
Miss Schofield, Miss Fawcett and Miss Smith were so very proud of them and I am sure that all who came to watch will have felt that same immense pride.
On Wednesday 3rd July we will be holding a whole school art exhibition in the hall from 3.30-4:15. Each class has focused on a different artist and created their own portrait in the style of the artist.
Every child from Tiny Steps to Year 6 will have their portrait on display. You are welcome to purchase your child’s portrait for £3. All proceeds raised will be put back into school for future opportunities for children.
We look forward to seeing you there!
1st & 2nd July - Transition Days
3rd July - Open Doors Art Exhibition
15th July - Reports to be sent home
17th July - Y6 Graduation – 5.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.
19th July - Term Ends
4th September - Autumn Term Begins
22nd October - Whole school flu immunisations