Basic Parent Information

School Hours

School begins at 9AM-Doors open at 8:45AM.  Students begin dismissing at 3:15. 

Dismissal Changes

If there is a change in your child’s normal routine, please notify me in writing on the day the change will occur. I must receive something in writing from a parent if any child is to change his/her normal method of transportation. Adding a telephone number where you can be reached is also helpful.


Students are to arrive at school on time each day. If you bring your child to school late you must walk him/her to the office and sign in. In the case of an absence, please complete an excuse blank and send it to the office within three days of the absence. Extended absences due to vacations should be taken care of prior to the vacation. You can obtain a form from the office.

Snack Time

We will have snack time everyday. If you would like your child to participate, please pack a nutritious snack. Snack should consist of only two things: water to drink and something to eat (fruit, yogurt, pudding, crackers, pretzels, etc.). Please keep in mind that the time period for snack is ten minutes. Please pack a snack that is small enough to be consumed in that time period and make sure children are able to open containers you provide.

Please do not send any foods with peanut products in them due to possible severe peanut allergies.


Students may bring in a small non-edible treat to share with their classmates on their birthday. Items such as bubbles, pencils, and stickers are examples of these items. Summer birthdays will be celebrated towards the end of the school year. Participation in this is completely optional.


There are many different ways you can volunteer in your child's classroom. These opportunities include party volunteering, station volunteering (weekly or monthly) and Mystery Readers. I will provide more information about these opportunities after the beginning of the school year. The students and I appreciate parent volunteers VERY much! Our classroom couldn't run without them!

Please contact the office for appropriate clearances.