Special Ed. & Read 180

Welcome to Ms. Masone's 6th grade Read 180 website! If you have any questions related to the upcoming year, feel free to e-mail me at


Please continue to visit the Schoology page to view any homework assignments.

Please click the link below to learn more about the Read 180 program. It provides a DEMO of what your child will be doing in the classroom.


This year in Read 180...

Our classroom will be centered based- 3 groups as well as a whole group. It will take 2 days to get through a full rotation.

Whole group- direction instruction right from the rBook which includes whole class reading of the story and going over vocabulary.

Small group- students will work with Mrs. Scheuer on answering questions based from the story as well as building reading fluency and comprehension strategies. Students will also be using Google Classroom for extension activities based off the reading.

Independent reading station- Students will chose a book based off of their Lexile score from the Reading Inventory assessment given at the beginning of the year and then 4 times after that (each marking period). Students will be responsible for reading the book and completing comprehension questions. Once the book is complete, the student will have a book discussion with Mrs. Scheuer and then complete the book quiz.

Software station- Students will work on the Read 180 software that is specially designed for each student based off his/her Lexile score from the Reading Inventory. Students will select a topic and will have to complete the following segments/zones: Reading, Spelling, Word, Writing and Success zone.