Willow Lane Band

Announcements and Reminders

Band lessons with Mrs. Sarro will be on cycle days 4 & 5.

Beginner/1st year lessons *EXCEPT LOW BRASS & PERCUSSION* are on day 4, starting Monday 9/18.

2nd year lessons & *BEGINNER LOW BRASS & PERCUSSION* are on day 5, starting Tuesday 9/19.

Always bring your instrument, music, and folder to lessons!

Lesson Assignments

Assignments are listed by group letter.  If unsure, please check your paper copy schedule for your group!

Willow Lane weekly assignments

Current Lesson Rotation

(see dates/times in lesson assignments until updated with beginners)

Listed below is the most current lesson schedule. 

Every effort will be made to update as weather events prompt changes. Because dates are subject to change due to weather cancellations, students should always be prepared for lessons on their assigned day.

Willow Schedule

Lesson Schedule Calendar

(see dates/times in lesson assignments until updated with beginners)