Parents Corner

The many benefits of playing an instrument:

Below are some videos and linked articles with great information advocating the many reasons why participation in instrumental music is such a valuable opportunity for every student to have. These aren't the only ones out there, but these are some really excellent resources. Check them out, and decide for yourself!

How can I become an actively involved parent?

Some simple, yet effective, strategies include:

Directing practice time by:

  • Initiating practice time

  • Supervising practice, staying in close proximity

  • Listening and providing constructive feedback

  • Assist with questions or difficulties as able (if in doubt, contact your student’s instrument teacher for help)

Providing support by:

  • Attending student performances

  • Showing interest in what your student is learning

  • Asking your student to perform or teach you something they are learning

  • Celebrate and praise musical successes

  • Actively communicate with your instrumental music teacher

  • Provide resources (instrument, reeds, oil, books, stand, practice space, transportation)

Demonstrate a high value of music by:

  • Listening to and discussing music at home

  • Attending musical performances other than at school, eg. semi/professional concerts & performances

Parent Web Resources

How can I help my student at home?

Many parents, and especially those without experience playing an instrument, struggle with knowing how they can effectively help their student succeed in instrumental music. Below are some resources for all parents and families to help them on this journey into instrumental music. If you ever have any questions or need guidance, please don't hesitate contacting your student's instrumental music teacher!

Why is parent involvement essential in student instrumental development?

There have been numerous scholarly research studies done addressing possible correlations between parent involvement and students’ musical outcomes. Correlation between improved student effort and parental involvement indicates possible improved musical outcomes. Research indicates that effective parental involvement is associated with the following musical outcomes:

  • Increased enjoyment of music participation

  • Improved motivation and perseverance during difficult periods (as your student develops, he or she may need less external motivation from you as he or she becomes more intrinsically/internally motivated)

  • Increased retention in musical involvement

  • Improved musical achievement

  • Increased understanding of musical concepts

  • Increased valuation of music

  • Enhanced feelings of self-efficacy (belief in oneself) in musical endeavors

  • In older students, improved attitudes towards music

Private Instruction

Though not required for participation in the instrumental music program in East Penn, private instruction offers benefits for players of all levels! Struggling students get individualized support to build skills and confidence, and students who show interest and aptitude are appropriately challenged to further advance their development.

EPSD instrumental music handbook.doc