
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Who can attend EASD Cyber Academy?

A. We serve grades K-12.  Any student who is enrolled in EASD can attend the cyber academy.


Q. Can my child still participate in activities/sports while attending the cyber academy?

A. The cyber academy is associated with EASD.  That entitled cyber students to participate in everything that their brick & mortar peers do such as band/chorus/orchestra, clubs/activities, athletics, CIT, counseling services, etc.


Q. Is there a cost to the parents?

A. There is NO cost to families.  The district takes care of the cost.


Q. Are the teachers on the cyber academy different than those in the brick & mortar buildings?

A. Sort of, These teachers specialize in online/virtual learning and are PA certified Easton Area School District Teachers who were trained specifically in the Edgenuity platform.


Q. What materials do I need to provide my child?

A. Really, all you need is a reliable internet connection.  The district supplies each student with an iPad.  Elementary students will also receive a material kit for offline/online activities including textbooks, supplemental materials and some consumables.  Secondary students will access textbooks/materials 100% online.


Q. Is there a set time my child needs to log in or are there “live” or “face- to -face” classes?

A.  Students must log-in to their ELA class (grades K-8 or TBD class for grades 9-12) by 1pm on a daily basis Monday-Friday and complete work in that course for at least 5 minutes in order to fulfill the DAILY attendance requirement.  We are primarily asynchronous; meaning that there is no set time for students to log in every morning, however, there is a daily attendance componentIn addition, students must maintain good standing in their 'pacing' in all courses.


The students will receive their assignments with associated due dates.  If the student needs help, the teachers have set office hours they can sign up for or we also have a “live chat” feature just like you have with your credit card or online shopping account where students can get that immediate response. In addition, students may have a "live" zoom component as directed by their teacher.


Q. Does my child need to stay enrolled all school year or can I pull them back to the brick & mortar classes at their regular school?

A.  Students will be permitted to return to the brick and mortar setting, at the beginning of each semester or change of trimester for elementary students.


Q. Does the curriculum follow what the students learn in the brick & mortar?

A. Yes, the students will be working on the same standards as they would in the brick & mortar classes.  We do this because our students may go back into their regular school during the year.  The cyber school counselor will match what course requests the student had at their brick & mortar school and match that for their cyber course offerings.


Q. Are there “specials” or electives offered such as World Language or PE?

A. Yes, elementary students will have access to the same specials such as Art, technology and PE online.  Secondary students will have access to most of the electives they would at the brick & mortar building. All students can have access to band/chorus/orchestra in the brick & mortar.  Parents would need to work with their home building principal and provide transportation.


Q. What if my child has special needs such as an IEP, GIEP or a 504?

A. We work with the supervisors of special education, and GIEP/504 case managers to best accommodate the need of each student.  There will be a meeting to discuss the specific needs of each student to see if/how their needs can be met through the cyber academy.


Q. Are there any prerequisites or requirements for my child to attend?

A. There are no prerequisites needed.  The student needs to be able to be motivated, driven and accountable for completing their assignments in a timely manner.


Q. My child is a senior, can they graduate from the cyber academy?

A. Yes.  Upon successful completion of the cyber academy courses, the student will receive an Easton Area School District Diploma!  In addition, they will be able to participate with their senior classmates on all of the senior activities such as pep rallies, wood collecting, sleep-out, prom, senior picnic, etc.


Q. Will my child have the same school counselor?

A. Yes. Your child will have the same counselor they did while at the brick & mortar as their case manager.  The main reason for that is in the event they choose to go back into the brick & mortar.  The cyber academy does have its own counselor that acts as the nexus between all of the school counselors for grading/attendance/progress reports as well as course alignment.


Q. Which company or vendor(s) does the EASD cyber academy partner with?

A. We partner with Edgenuity through our K-12 continuum.  


Easton Area School District has been educating students effectively for many years and knows what it takes for students to compete in the hyper-competitive quest for college and career whether learning in the conventional classroom or online. It takes rigorous coursework coupled with a combination of live and prepared instructional support. Our cyber school program is flexible and offers all the support parents and students need to tackle the demands of online learning to achieve their educational goals. We expect the best from our students; that’s why we offer effective support to promote their success.   


Easton Cyber Academy students have access to all the services and facilities provided to students attending the traditional classroom...and more!

EASD Policies

Students enrolled in the EASD Cyber Academy are subject to the policies set forth by the EASD Board of Education.  The policies below are specific to cyber education students:

Policy 815:  Use of the Internet and District's Network

Policy 815. 1:  Use of District-Owned Technology

Interscholastic Sports Policy

The Board directs that no student may participate in interscholastic athletics who has not maintained a record of academic proficiency sufficient to ensure that participation in interscholastic athletic activities will not interfere with academic achievement and who has not failed more that one (1) course during the marking period.


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