Staff List with After School Days

Communication is key to a strong school/home partnership.  Get in touch with Birchland Staff via email here and see what each teacher's late night is.

Administration and Support Staff


PrincipalSteve Pearson

Assistant PrincipalNatalie Ojunga-Andrew

Intervention Coordinator (M, W, Th):  Trisha Pereira


ELA (Monday):  Denise Cote

Math (Monday):  Jillanne Payant


School Counselor (Grade 6 and Sapphire)Diana Bannon

School Counselor (Grade 8 and Jade):  Theresa Hotaling

Adjustment Counselor:  Kristen Gaspar

Speech and LanguageEileen Turnberg

School PsychologistMegan Schepart

School NurseNatalie Burack

6th Grade Teams


ELA (Wednesday):  Maegan Davis

Geography (Wednesday):  Darek Long

Math (Monday):  Amanda Chaput

Science (Thursday):  Filip O'Hara

Student Support (Monday):  Amy Murphy


ELA (Monday):  Nicole Britt

Geography (Wednesday)Bruce Goldman

Math (Thursday):  David Steele

Science (Monday):  Darren Schmidt

Student Support (Wednesday):  Shawn Iennaco

7th Grade Teams


ELA (Monday):  Miranda Kavanagh 

Geography (Monday):  Harriet Kulig

Math (Thursday):  Paul Levesque

Science (Wednesday):  Elise Alfano

Student Support (Wednesday):  Colleen Ferri 

Sapphire Team Website


ELA (Thursday):  Doug Catanzaro

Geography (Wednesday):  Patrick Morrissey

Math (Thursday):  Michelle Lam

Science (Monday):  Marilyn Robichaud

Student Support (Monday):  Lori Figuerado

8th Grade Teams


ELA (Monday):  Ryan McMullen

Geography (Wednesday):  Kevin DeMaria

Math (Wednesday):  Katherine Reilly

Science (Thursday):  Amieland Singh

Student Support (Monday):  TBD


ELA (Monday):  Joseph Varney

Geography (Wednesday):  Timothy Mullett

Math (Wednesday): Janice Zimmer

Science (Thursday):  Cathie Morsch

Student Support (Monday):  Kate Morneau

Learning Center

ELA (Thursday):  Nicolle Morissey

Science (Wednesday):  Stephanie Calabrese

Math (Monday):  Kristina DeGray

Life Skills (Thursday):  Ashley O'Neil


Art (Monday):  Max Mraz

Band (Monday):  Danielle Horan

Computer Sci. (Monday):  Cecilia Gintowt

ELL (Monday):  Andrew Giambrone

FACS (Monday):  William Knowlton

Health (Thursday):  Wendy Crews

Media Specialist  (Thursday):  Yanira Cordova

PE  (Wednesday):  Anthony Paolini

PE  (Monday):  Kerryn Perkins

PE/Health (Thursday):  Kelly Fydenkevez

Reading Enrichment (Wednesday):  Kelsey Leighton

Strings (Thursday):  Erin Sosnoski

Spanish (Monday):  Nicole Romano

Spanish (Wednesday):  Christopher Tarvit

STEAM (Wednesday):  Suzanne Collins

Tech Ed (Monday):  TBD

Tiered Math (Wednesday):  Sheila Commisso

TV Studio (Thursday):  Michael Naglieri

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