STEM & Business
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Throughout the year, East Granby Public School faculty, staff, and administrators have focused professional development revolving about district and building goals, departmental and grade-level needs, and technological advancements. Best practice, as recognized by the state of Connecticut, provides for small group and individual learning. Our teachers might delve into project-based learning with their grade-level team -- or take a class with a nationally-recognized educational organization. At the same time, others might get hands-on instruction in the computer lab with a new platforms, while colleagues down the hall are doing a deep study on how Reading/Writing Workshop brings words alive for children. As educators, we must model the principles of what it means to be lifelong learners. Below is a sampling of what we've been working on recently.
CT State Science Standards and Resources - Every lesson or learning unit planning session should begin with the standards. What is the goal for the students? What should they know and be able to do by the end?
The National Science Teaching Association has resources, lesson plans, learning units, and is a great way to build a personal learning network.
Here is an article explaining how to create NGSS-aligned lessons by adapting one that is NOT aligned.
Understanding 3 Dimensional Science Assessments
The Steps to Designing a 3D Assessment - A thorough and clear guide
Courses include Computer Science, Coding, and other High-Interest Comp Sci courses, some on a rotating basis. Students can also take Advanced Manufacturing I and II at EGHS before continuing their training at a Community College during the latter part of high school. We offer Drones, Architectural Design, Design and Engineering, CAD and CAM. The courses are comprehensive and collaborative.
Official Digital Learning Standards for Connecticut
Manufacturing News: 3-D Printing News
UC Davis offers free STEM lessons, grades K-14: Includes Lego Mindstorms, Barobo Linkbots, Raspberry Pi computers and Arduino control boards.
Teaching Computer Science Fundamentals - free course
YouCubed - a favorite resource for mathematics teachers and learners. Dr. Jo Boaler, Stanford University professor offers resources, courses, webinars, and much more. Author of Mathematical Mindsets, Dr. Boaler is a brilliant mind who seeks to make mathematics instruction more meaningful
Why Math Workshops - A guide with video and resource links
What is Discourse? A TED Talk that also contains what types of resources are NOT useful for student learning.
Talking Math - How to Engage Students in Mathematical Discourse article
Math Talk 101 - While the videos here feature younger children, teachers working with older students might get inspiration from this Scholastic blog post
Methods of promoting math discussion - this edutopia article merits a quick look
An interesting warm-up activity for formative assessments, which involves students' talking
This brief article has some amazing ideas for mathematics education! Below the experts' bios, there are examples for both middle and high school.
Using basketball to teach pythagorean theorem. A cross-curriculum lesson
Billiard Ball Math Lesson - another way to combine movement with learning to cement memory
Our students take Personal Finance as a graduation requirement. In addition, students can use Accounting toward their math credit for graduation. We offer a variety of business classes, both full year and semester long.
Also called Learning Menus - here are some examples:
Using Choice Boards to Increase Student Ownership
Best Practices for Designing Rubrics
Access a list of Student Choice Options HERE
Video: 10 Ways to Empower Student Choice
5-Minute Film Festival: Student Voice and Choice
Why Curriculum Mapping Matters
Avoid PBL Pitfalls (Start with this article on five pitfalls to avoid when planning a project-based learning unit.)
PBL Rubrics In addition to a trove of rubrics, the Buck Institute of Education also has PBL videos and other pertinent materials