Science & Math

East Granby Schools began working on the shift to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in K-5 as soon as the state announced they would be adopting them in 2015. Thanks to our wonderful K-5 Curriculum Consultant, Susan Cavanagh (who retired in June 2020), our district was prepared when the roll-out began. In 2019, the first state NGSS-aligned assessment was administered. While it wasn't a reporting year, our students performed well. During the Distance Learning of 2020, the tests were suspended. Now, students will continue the inquiry-based, hands-on learning units prevalent throughout the grade levels. Our students investigate, hypothesize, measure, record, and report.

For mathematics, we use the iReady Math program, but have spent the last two years exploring and training. The student-specific data we received from iReady's formative and summative assessments have helped us target student needs for reteaching, intervention, and more. We are so pleased the faculty and administrators chose this excellent program for implementation and to support our curriculum. Additionally, some educators have taken Dr. Jo Boaler's courses (She's a professor at Stanford University) and others have done a study of her teacher texts, Mathematical Mindsets. Teachers have incorporated math workshops, math stations, discourse or discussions, and continued using manipulatives. One goal is to create a curiosity about math in students, to see it like a puzzle, while dispelling the anxiety commonly associated with the subject.


YouCubed - a favorite resource for mathematics teachers and learners. Dr. Jo Boaler, Stanford University professor offers resources, courses, webinars, and much more. Author of Mathematical Mindsets, Dr. Boaler is a brilliant mind who seeks to make mathematics instruction more meaningful


Why Math Workshops - A guide with video and resource links


What is Discourse? A TED Talk that also contains what types of resources are NOT useful for student learning.

Talking Math - How to Engage Students in Mathematical Discourse article

Math Talk 101 - While the videos here feature younger children, teachers working with older students might get inspiration from this Scholastic blog post

Methods of promoting math discussion - this edutopia article merits a quick look

An interesting warm-up activity for formative assessments, which involves students' talking


This brief article has some amazing ideas for mathematics education! Below the experts' bios, there are examples for both middle and high school.


Using basketball to teach pythagorean theorem. A cross-curriculum lesson

Billiard Ball Math Lesson - another way to combine movement with learning to cement memory


NGSS Aligned Curriculum

Our K-5 classroom teachers have inquiry-based learning units supported by Foss and Carolina Biological suppliers. The middle school students have a comprehensive 6-8 curriculum featuring IQWEST learning, while grades 9-12 have teacher-designed units. Many hours over the years (since 2014) have gone into creating a rigorous program!

CT State Science Standards and Resources - Every lesson or learning unit planning session should begin with the standards. What is the goal for the students? What should they know and be able to do by the end?

The National Science Teaching Association has resources, lesson plans, learning units, and is a great way to build a personal learning network.

Here is an article explaining how to create NGSS-aligned lessons by adapting one that is NOT aligned.

Understanding 3 Dimensional Science Assessments

The Steps to Designing a 3D Assessment - A thorough and clear guide

Mr. Esposito's students traced their shadows to see how they move and change throughout the day.