Monday, September 16
8:30-9:30 Breakfast & Registration
9:30-10:00: Summit Overview (Valley Oak)
10:00-10:45: Welcoming Remarks | Rebecca Moore (Valley Oak)
10:45-11:00: (Spoiler Alert) What's New in Google Earth Engine? | Matt Hancher (Valley Oak)
11:00-11:30: What's new in Google Earth? | Gopal Shah and Sean Askay (Valley Oak)
11:30-12:30: Lunch (Upstairs) and Geo for Good Toolbox Demos (Downstairs)
12:30-2:00: Breakout Session 1 (see session descriptions here)
- [Lecture] Machine Learning Best Practices (Valley Oak)
- Google Earth Storytelling (Coast Live Oak)
- TensorFlow 1 (Red Willow)
- Earth Engine Overview (Western Sycamore)
- EE Big Data Structures: Images and Features (California Buckeye)
- Explorable, interactive timelapse visualizations of massive datasets with Carnegie Mellon University CREATE Lab (Box Elder)
- ODK to Sheets 101 (Pacific Madrone)
- Fusion Tables Working Session (Big Leaf Maple)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
2:00-2:30: Coffee Break
2:30-4:00: Breakout Session 2 (see session descriptions here)
- TensorFlow 1 (Valley Oak)
- Earth Engine Python API & Colab (Coast Live Oak)
- Earth Engine Code Editor & Javascript (Red Willow)
- Earth Engine for Non-coders (Western Sycamore)
- Google Earth Studio: Intro to making cinematic animations (California Buckeye)
- Earth Engine Collection and map() (Box Elder)
- BigQuery GIS (Pacific Madrone)
- Ground (Big Leaf Maple)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
4:00-4:15: Break / Transition
4:15-5:15: Breakout Session 3 (see session descriptions here)
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (Sentinel-1) (Valley Oak)
- Earth Engine Datasets Tour & Data Upload (Coast Live Oak)
- Make your own Earth Engine App (Red Willow)
- [Lecture] Neural Segmentation (Western Sycamore)
- [Lecture] Voyager: the process explained (California Buckeye)
- Earth Engine Reducers (Box Elder)
- Google My Maps (Pacific Madrone)
- Google Earth for Web Tinker Session (Big Leaf Maple)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
5:15-5:30: Break / Transition
5:30-5:40: TE HĀ Moana - Ocean Voices in Google Earth | Tania Wolfgramm & Wikuki Kingi (Valley Oak)
5:40-6:00: Lightning Rounds (Valley Oak) - learn more about Lightning Rounds here
6:00-6:30: Demo Happy Hour (Downstairs)
6:30-8:00: Dinner (Downstairs)
7:15-8:00: Buildathon Mixer (Valley Oak)
Tuesday, September 17
8:00-9:00: Breakfast (Upstairs)
9:00-9:30: Panel: What’s Next? Expanding Geo for Good (Valley Oak)
9:30-9:40: MapBiomas Alert: Making Deforestation Alerts Actionable | Tasso Azevedo (Valley Oak)
9:40-10:00: Lightning Rounds (Valley Oak) - learn more about Lightning Rounds here
10:00-10:30: Coffee Break
10:30-12:00: Breakout Session 4 (see session descriptions here)
- Earth Engine Classification and Regression (Valley Oak)
- TensorFlow 2 (Coast Live Oak)
- Google Earth Desktop (Pro) for Participatory Mapping (Red Willow)
- EE Big Data Structures: Images and Features (Western Sycamore)
- Earth Engine Python API & Colab (California Buckeye)
- Google Earth Studio: Intro to making cinematic animations (Box Elder)
- Google Maps Platform 101 (Pacific Madrone)
- Earth Engine for Non-coders (Big Leaf Maple)
- Gender Equity Office Hours (Fremont Cottonwood)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
12:00-1:00: Lunch (Upstairs)
- Optional Lunch Session: #GeoMeet hosted by Women in Geospatial and Ladies of Landsat (Red Willow)
In this lunchtime session, we will be offering a chance for everyone to put faces to names, network, and get career advice through the #GeoMeet! Learn more about Women in Geospatial and Ladies of Landsat as we kick off the event together. The rest of the time will focus on networking between summit attendees: to brew ideas, share tips and tricks, or to learn about each other’s interests! Attendees will write down topics of expertise on their name tags and have great conversations while meeting new people. This session is open to attendees of all genders, backgrounds, and experience levels! Please respond to our brief survey to suggest networking themes for this event:
1:00-2:30: Breakout Session 5 (see session descriptions here)
- [Lecture] Machine Learning Best Practices (Valley Oak)
- Getting Field Data into Earth Engine for non-coders (Coast Live Oak)
- Earth Engine Collections and map() (Red Willow)
- TensorFlow 2 (Western Sycamore)
- Google Earth Studio + Adobe After Effects (California Buckeye)
- Earth Engine Overview (Box Elder)
- Ground (Pacific Madrone)
- Fusion Tables Working Session (Big Leaf Maple)
- Gender Equity Office Hours (Fremont Cottonwood)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
2:30-2:45: Break / Transition
2:45-3:45: Breakout Session 6 (see session descriptions here)
- [Lecture] Neural Segmentation (Valley Oak)
- Make your own Timelapse with the Earth Engine Code Editor (Coast Live Oak)
- Visualizing Data in Google Earth Desktop (Pro) (Red Willow)
- Earth Engine Reducers (Western Sycamore)
- [Panel] The State of Forest MRV, Country Exchanges (California Buckeye)
- Earth Engine Tables and Joins (Box Elder)
- Codelab #1: Building custom maps applications with Google Maps Platform (Pacific Madrone)
- Animations in Earth Engine (Big Leaf Maple)
- Digital Addressing with Plus Codes (Fremont Cottonwood)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
3:45-4:00: Break / Transition
4:00-5:30: Buildathon / Office Hours / Coffee Break
- Buildathon (Valley Oak, Coast Live Oak and California Buckeye)
- Google Earth Office Hours (Red Willow)
- Voyager Office Hours (Western Sycamore)
- ODK Office Hours (Box Elder)
- Google Maps Platform Office Hours (Pacific Madrone)
- Plus Codes Office Hours (Big Leaf Maple)
- Crisis Response Office Hours (Fremont Cottonwood)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
5:30-5:40: SIKU: The Indigenous Knowledge Social Network | Joel Heath (Valley Oak)
5:40-6:00: Lightning Rounds (Valley Oak) - learn more about Lightning Rounds here
6:00-6:30: Demo Happy Hour (Downstairs)
6:30-8:00: Dinner (Downstairs)
7:00-9:00: Buildathon After Hours (Coast Live Oak)
7:30-9:00: Film Festival (Valley Oak)
Wednesday, September 18
8:00-9:00: Breakfast (Upstairs)
9:00-9:20: BigQuery GIS | Chad Jennings (Valley Oak)
9:20-9:30: A Global Deal for Nature: Earth Engine enables planetary scale decision support for expanding the global protected area system | Carly Vynne Baker (Valley Oak)
9:30-10:00: Lightning Rounds (Valley Oak) - learn more about Lightning Rounds here
10:00-10:30: Coffee Break
10:30-12:00: Breakout Session 7 (see session descriptions here)
- Time-series Analysis with CCDC and LandTrendr (Valley Oak)
- BigQuery GIS (Coast Live Oak)
- Earth Engine Python API & Colab (Red Willow)
- Google Earth Storytelling (Western Sycamore)
- Earth Engine Classification and Regression (California Buckeye)
- ODK to Sheets 101 (Box Elder)
- Explorable, interactive timelapse visualizations of massive datasets with Carnegie Mellon University CREATE Lab (Pacific Madrone)
- Earth Engine Code Editor and Javascript (Big Leaf Maple)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
12:00-1:00: Lunch (Upstairs)
1:00-2:00: Breakout Session 8 (see session descriptions here)
- Mapping Landscape Patterns and Connectivity in Earth Engine (Valley Oak)
- Codelab #2: Beautiful data visualizations with on Google Maps Platform (Coast Live Oak)
- Early Access REST API (Red Willow)
- Earth Engine Import/Export (Western Sycamore)
- MapBiomas Alerts Google Earth Engine Toolkit (California Buckeye)
- Capture and tell stories with 360-degree imagery (Box Elder)
- Earth Engine User Interface and Apps (Pacific Madrone)
- Animations in Earth Engine (Big Leaf Maple)
- Community Tutorials (Fremont Cottonwood)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
2:00-2:15: Break / Transition
2:15-3:15: Breakout Session 9 (see session descriptions here)
- Segmentation with Earth Engine to Improve Classification (Valley Oak)
- Time Series Visualization (Coast Live Oak)
- Developing Earth Engine Curriculum for Universities (Red Willow)
- Make your own Earth Engine App (Western Sycamore)
- Google Cloud Public Datasets: what they are, and how to use them (California Buckeye)
- Exporting from Earth Engine into Earth (Box Elder)
- Google My Business for your Organization (Pacific Madrone)
- Earth Engine Tables and Joins (Big Leaf Maple)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
3:15-3:30: Break / Transition
3:30-5:00: Buildathon / Office Hours / Coffee Break
- Buildathon (Valley Oak and Coast Live Oak)
- Google Earth Office Hours (Red Willow)
- Voyager Office Hours (Western Sycamore)
- BigQuery GIS Office Hours (California Buckeye)
- ODK Office Hours (Box Elder)
- Google Maps Platform Office Hours (Pacific Madrone)
- Plus Codes Office Hours (Big Leaf Maple)
- Street View Office Hours (Fremont Cottonwood)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
5:00-6:00: Breakout Session 10 (Partner Case Studies) (see panel speakers here)
- [Panel] Land Use, Land Cover & Forests (Valley Oak)
- [Panel] Conservation (Coast Live Oak)
- [Panel] Agriculture (Red Willow)
- [Panel] Mapping with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (Western Sycamore)
- [Panel] Air Quality (California Buckeye)
- [Panel] Urban / Human Landscapes (Box Elder)
- [Panel] Disaster Management (Pacific Madrone)
- [Panel] Oceans & Marine (Big Leaf Maple)
- [Panel] Public Health (Fremont Cottonwood)
6:00-6:30: Demo Happy Hour (Downstairs)
6:30-8:00: Dinner (Downstairs)
7:00-9:00: Buildathon After Hours (Coast Live Oak)
Thursday, September 19
8:00-9:00: Breakfast
9:00-9:15: Explore the Untouched | Pete Takeda (Valley Oak)
9:15-9:30: Dynamic flood mapping to enable local resilience & a global financial safety net | Jeff Ho (Valley Oak)
9:55-10:55: Breakout Session 11 (see session descriptions here)
- AREA2: Area Estimation and Map Accuracy Assessment in Google Earth Engine (Valley Oak)
- Introduction to using QGIS with Google Mapping Tools (Coast Live Oak)
- Earth Map: a user-friendly interface to the power of Earth Engine (Red Willow)
- Earth Engine User Interface Coding (Western Sycamore)
- Harnessing the Power of Cloud Computing to Achieve Sustainable Development through Trends.Earth (California Buckeye)
- [Panel] Earth Engine Apps Showcase (Box Elder)
- Google Earth for Web Tinker Session (Pacific Madrone)
- Earth Engine Import/Export (Big Leaf Maple)
- 5 KML Code Hacks that you Didn't Know (Fremont Cottonwood)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
10:55-11:15: Coffee Break
11:15-12:15: Breakout Session 12 (see session descriptions here)
- Mapping Forest Degradation using CODED (Valley Oak)
- Earth Engine User Interface and Apps (Coast Live Oak)
- [Panel] Earth Engine Conservation Applications in Action (Red Willow)
- Learn Earth Engine Basics through Applied Examples (Night-time light, Agriculture) (Western Sycamore)
- NASA's SERVIR use of Earth Engine (California Buckeye)
- Want to use Street View or Aerial Imagery in your research? (Box Elder)
- Analysis to Impact (Pacific Madrone)
- [Panel] Non-technical Challenges (Big Leaf Maple)
- Q & A on Google Earth Suite (Fremont Cottonwood)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
12:15-1:30pm: Buildathon / Office Hours / Lunch
- Buildathon (Valley Oak, Coast Live Oak and California Buckeye)
- Google Earth Office Hours (Red Willow)
- Plus Codes Office Hours (Big Leaf Maple)
- Earth Engine Office Hours (Earth Engine Basecamp)
1:30-3:00: Buildathon Talks (Valley Oak)
3:00-3:30: Coffee Break
3:30-4:30: Closing Session (Valley Oak)