What is Google Earth Outreach?

Google Earth Outreach is a program that helps provide nonprofits and public benefit organizations with the knowledge and resources they need to visualize their cause and tell their story in Google's mapping tools. The online program consists of an overview of mapping tools, success stories from nonprofits using Google mapping tools, tutorials, information about our grants program, as well as other resources for nonprofits. This short video is a great introduction to the program.

When is the Geo for Good India Workshop?

The summit will be held on 9 - 12 February, 2018 and will run from roughly 9am to 6pm on each day.

Which costs are covered as part of the Geo for Good User Summit, and what are participants expected to pay on their own?

The training and materials are provided free to participants, as well as the meals of breakfast and lunch. The participants cover the cost of any travel to and during the workshop, such as airfare, hotel accommodations, etc.

Note: Google is pleased to provide attendance at this event at no cost where appropriate under applicable laws. By attending this event and accepting any gifts which may be offered, you certify that you are able to do so in compliance with applicable laws and the internal rules of your organization. Google may be required to report gifts to government officials or invoice you to avoid making an impermissible gift. Please contact us-gov-ethics@google.com if you have any questions, or if you’d like to reimburse Google for your attendance.

Is there an agenda? What will be covered?

We plan to cover a variety of themes, projects, and Google mapping technologies. You can review the session selection on the Agenda page.

Can anyone attend the Geo for Good User Summit? How much does it cost?

This hands-on workshop is limited to 60 participants. Due to limited space, we may not be able to accept every workshop applicant, and no more than 2 representatives from each organization will be accepted. Attendance is free, following acceptance into the workshop through Google’s application process.

In what languages will the training be given?

Regretfully, we can only offer this training in English at this time.

I'm not able to attend this workshop. Will there be future opportunities?

For information on future workshops and opportunities, join our mailing list.