
Spring Term - home learning

Here are some of the great pieces of work you have been doing at home in our remote learning lessons.


We are reading the story Beegu by Alexis Deacon.

At home, the children have been making and describing a friend for Beegu so she won't be lonely.

We have been using adjectives to describe our new characters and writing sentences with capital letters and full stops.


We are learning about the materials things are made from.

Zaeem has been testing which materials would make a good umbrella to keep a toy dry.

Izaiah and Rahma have been busy drawing things in their house made from different materials.


In Maths, we are exploring place value and ordering numbers to 20.

Here's some of the great work Lime Class have been doing at home.

Autumn Term


The whole school is learning about the book Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers. We have been looking at the things which make our planet a wonderful place.

Here we are creating Earth paintings using watercolours. We listened to the song What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong and wrote our own verse featuring things we thought we special.


We are learning to count and sort objects by their characteristics.