
Meet The Teacher Presentation

Earlsmead Year 3 Meet the Parents 2022

Our Class Charter and Golden Rules


We are learning Spanish in Year 3

L1 - Greetings!.pptx

We have been learning about magnets and magnetic force in Science.

We worked out which poles on the magnet attract and which repel.

We are reading Zeraffe Giraffa.

We made moving giraffes.

We used paper fasteners.

Art.                Alberto Giacometti.

We learned about Alberto Giacometti in Art. He drew his friends in different poses before making tall, thin sculptures of them. We did the same thing. Here are some of the poses with our drawings of them. 

Giacometti kids sculptures

In Design Technology we made 3D pyramids which linked with our History work on Ancient Egypt. We learned how to join shapes securely and make the structure rigid. They look amazing!