
coronavirus-toolkit-return-to-school for parents and carers.pdf

Information to help you return to school.

Summer 2020

Happy Birthday Shanae. She is 5.

Shanae got lots of lovely presents

That cake looks yum.

Happy Birthday Sudenur.

You look so beautiful in your party dress. That cake looks delicious. We hope you had a good day.

Happy Birthday Rahma.

Rahma is 5. She had her birthday in Lockdown. We will celebrate with you soon Rahma.

Rahma is baking. Yummy!

Happy Birthday Romarni. He is 5!

That cake is AMAZING. Yummy

Happy Birthday Keldon.

Keldon is 5. He had his birthday in Lockdown.

Keldon is going for a spin in his truck.

Cool shades Keldon.

Keldon is w.riting his letters

Keldon is adding and subtracting his numbers.

What a cool pool. Keldon is splashing in the water.

Luka was helping his granddad. Watch those fingers!!!

Luka's sister coloured my hair with hair chalk.

The family coloured the garden floor.

Luka made freshly squeezed orange juice

Nico and Luka went for a walk down the marches

What a beautiful ladybird you caught. Hold it gently.

Isabelli is enjoying the sunshine. You sunglasses are so cool.

What a beautiful ballerina you are Isabelli.

Bubbles are FUN!


Isabelli lost her tooth!

Isabelli is going in the car. She is staying safe by wearing her seat belt.

Isabelli is staying active.

That hat is so fabulous and a good idea to stay safe in the sun.

Play-doh is great fun.

Are you making an Eiffel Tower?

Ayah is having fun in the park with her sister. It is a sunny day.

Super work Iona.

I think your writing and picture are beautiful.

Zaeem wants to save the world from the virus.

This is fantastic picture.

Arjin is baking.

Those cupcakes look DELICIOUS.

Your writing is lovely Arjin.

That is a really cool sculpture Arjin. You are very clever.

A Masterpiece from Iona

Beautiful picture and fantastic writing about your holidays. It sounds like lots of fun Iona.

Shanae has been having a great time with her family. She has been doing her writing and her maths. That writing if fantastic Shaneane keep it up. She is planting some seeds in a cup. Love the shades!! She is painting a picture too. You are very creative Shanae.

Shanae's Hand print

Raiya's Hand print

Class Hand Prints

Well done to the girls for completing the Art Challenge this week.

Raiya and her family have moved back to Bulgaria.

They are exploring new places.

It looks very nice there.

We miss you Raiya.

Zaeem celebrated Eid with his family

Zaeem and his family enjoy ice-creams in the sun.

Zaeem has been drawing some beautiful pictures.

Zaeem is busy in the garden.

Jeyden is playing in the sun.

He misses school.

We miss you too Jeyden.

Luka and Nico have been having the best time with their family.

The House that Shanae Built!

Well done Shanae this is a brilliant structure. Peppa will be really happy in her house. you are so creative.

In addition to providing food every Thursday they are now open on Saturday as detailed.

It's behind the Tottenham Stadium. Somerford Grove Adventure Playground, Park Lane Close, N17 OHL

School Closure

It is with heavy hearts that we have closed the school under government direction because of the Covid 19 virus.

These are difficult times for everyone and the most important thing is the health and safety of you and your families. Remember to talk to your children and assure them that everything will be ok.

We are hoping that we can get back to school as soon as possible but in these uncertain times we have no idea when it will be safe to do so.

In order to help you and your child continue with their education we will be putting up some websites, tasks and challenges several times a week. Do as much as you can with your child and we will try to make this learning as fun and helpful as possible.

A 'Wild' Book Week

This 'Book Week' the whole school explored the book 'Wild' by Emily Hughes. We loved the story of the little girl who was wild at heart. We dressed up for World Book Day and participated in the parade in the whole school Assembly. This week we also brought our favourite books into school to share these special stories with our friends. We even went to the park to have a wild, outdoors experience. We made personal wild stories and displayed them in the whole school gallery. We were very proud of our work. It was such a great week.

Our Special Book

This half-term we will be reading Naughty Bus by Jan and Jerry Oke. It's a tale of an adventurous bus who goes to all sorts of places in this story.

March Birthdays

Happy birthday to Zaeem. He is turning 5 this month.

Maths Workshop

We are holding a Maths workshop this Wednesday, 26th February from 3:20 -4:20. Come along and have some fun learning about maths in Reception. We will be showing parents the maths we do and how they can help their children at home.

Maths Week

A special word of thanks to our parents who came to help us during our 'Number Workshop '.

We have been doing lots of tricky maths challenges this week and earning superhero points.

We had a number hunt today. We used our special map to help us find the number treasure.

February Birthdays

Happy birthday to Arjin and Kaelen who are turning 5 this month.

Our Special Book

This half term we are reading 'Oh No, George' by Chris Haughton.

We have a feeling we are going to love this mischievous little fellow.

January Birthday

Happy birthday Izaiah. He is turning 5 this month.

Term 1 is Done...

What a whirlwind we have had.

It feels like only yesterday that we started in big school and here we are at the end of term one already.

Well done to everyone for all the hard work and effort.

We will all have a big rest and start back fresh in January for more learning, fun and great times.

What a Show!

Well done to all our very talented Reception children.

Their Christmas show performance was a huge hit. They sang, acted and spoke brilliantly.

Thanks to all the mummies and daddies and families who came to support us.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

December is here so we can finally start talking about Chritmas.

We are all very busy writing letters and sending parcels in our Christmas Post Office.

We decorated our class tree with beautiful lights and some clay decorations we made ourselves.

We even tried to dress Ms. O' Malley up as a Christmas Tree.

December Birthday

Happy Birthday to Britanny. She is turning 5 this month.

Pjyamas Day

On Friday 22nd November we had a fund raising day for BBC Children in Need. We brought in ÂŁ1 each and wore our comfy pyjamas to school. We learned how our money would help children who were sick, hungry and needed to be kept safe. There were some really cool 'onesies' and bedtime clothes on show.

Science Week

It has been lots of fun and we learned so much.

We learned about things that float and sink.

We did some experiments with an egg and learned how to make it float.

We had great fun testing reactions- a volcano and a fizzy mix explosion.

Our Special Book

This half-term we are reading the story 'Brave Bear' by Sean Taylor and Emily Hughes.


We are reading lots of bear stories, learning about different types of bears, playing with bears and doing some writing.

Party Time

We have turned our home corner into a birthday party area. We were busy making bunting, cards, decorations and cakes for the party. We have a special dress up box. It is so much fun.

October Birthdays

Happy Birthday to Ayah, Jeyden, Isabelli, Sara, Maya, Jayda and Luka. They are all turning 5 this month.

Owl Babies by Martin Wadell is our 'special book' this month.

We have owl puppets and soft toys to act out the story.

We sent Mummy Owl a letter to tell her about her babies.

We have made a brilliant start to our new class.

We are making friends, playing new games and having fun.

Our learning journeys have started and we are excited about the year ahead.

It is a brand new year in reception. It was so lovely to meet all the children and their lovely families. We are all ready to start big school.

Physical Education

PE is on WEDNESDAY every week.

Please ensure your child has their correct PE kit.

Please ensure all their clothes are clearly labelled.

For more information please refer to the School Uniform Policy


Homework is given every Friday and should be returned on the following Friday.

Every week your child will bring 2 books home to share with you. One will always be a home reader appropriate to their reading level and should be recorded in their home reading journal. They will also bring a picture book. This is one for you to share and enjoy with your child.