Member Spotlight

Our member spotlight focuses on members of our group who bring their ideas for feedback to a meeting. This month's spotlight includes insights from Casey Suchko and Natalie Cannon.

Casey Suchko, Revamping Review Techniques

1) What did you present on, and why did you bring it to the group?

I presented on study guides and review strategies-- specifically a study guide for testing rather than review games.

2) What useful feedback or tips did you get out of the protocol?

I got several good ideas from the protocol:

-assigning topics to small groups to review (make a review on a slide, come up with your own questions/answers for a topic, etc) and present to each other

-emphasizing the activities and how they align to test questions/concepts/topics (by highlighting questions from activities that will be on the test in some way)

-incorporating the study guide into the digital notebook that we have for class and breaking it up by section to make it less intimidating.

3) How do you plan to integrate the group's ideas into your classroom?

I plan on using all three of these ideas. I already did the second two as part of the previous unit which I felt worked very well.

Natalie Cannon, Senior English "Word Project"

1) What did you present on, and why did you bring it to the group?

I brought the Senior English "Word Project" to TIA for tuning.

2) What useful feedback or tips did you get out of the protocol?

I got a lot of concrete, actionable suggestions as well as help with thinking about it from different perspectives. After tuning, I clarified the prompt and instructions, made a new rubric, and was able to bring a better project to my PLC team and my classes.

3) How do you plan to integrate the group's ideas into your classroom?

I started making changes right away, integrating the group's ideas and suggestions. I brought it to Martha Thomas' room to see what she thought of my updates later, and I worked with Caleb Phillips on creating a better, simpler rubric for the streamlined project.