The Fellowship

The Eagle Rock Fellowship selects promising young educators to participate in advanced service and leadership development focused on education and youth work. Located at the nationally recognized Eagle Rock School and Professional Development Center in Estes Park, Colorado,  Eagle Rock is an opportunity for young leaders who are passionate about working with 15-21 year-old students from diverse backgrounds for whom having voice and agency in their education is the pathway to success. We also support schools nationally to implement effective and engaging practices to equitably serve all students. Eagle Rock is proud to be an antiracist, social justice organization.


The Fellowship at Eagle Rock is a residential, community-based opportunity for aspiring teachers, social workers, and youth advocates who are passionate about alternative learning strategies, social justice, youth development and empowerment, and re-engaging high-school students in their education. Fellows work with high school students in either teaching, professional development, residential life, outdoor education, or health & wellness. All fellows engage in residential life evening and weekend programming to support students outside the classroom. Eagle Rock fellows work either a Sunday-Thursday or Tuesday-Saturday schedule, including regular evening responsibilities. Instructional fellows will spend one evening a week and one weekend day ‘on duty’ providing supervision for students during out of class time. As the job is residential in nature, fellows also participate in a number of activities outside their typical work day: community meetings, dinners with house teams, evening activities, affinity group meetings, intramural sports, community service, and transporting students off campus.


We’re looking for candidates with a college degree, work experience in education and/or youth development programming, a passion for reengaging high-schoolers in their education, and the enthusiasm to devote time and energy as positive role models and mentors for our students. We also look for candidates who have spent time understanding their identities and how these shape their interactions with others, who can demonstrate knowledge and awareness of current social justice issues, and who have taken action towards creating more just and equitable communities. Applicants with experience, knowledge of and skills in the specific content area for which they are applying will stand out, though that may look very different from one person to the next; we value passion and interest along with experience. Eagle Rock is a tuition-free residential high school that serves a very diverse community of young people from across the country. As such, applicants should be culturally competent working with youth from all communities, regardless of race, political affiliation, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or ability. Applicants must be US citizens, nationals or permanent residents.

Each year, we recruit a diverse, talented and passionate group of fellows to join our team. Through their year of service and development, Eagle Rock fellows gain skills they can bring back to their communities, allowing them to become leaders for change in education and social justice.