
Alternative Licensure at Eagle Rock School 

*In partnership with the Colorado Department of Education

The Eagle Rock Alternative Licensure Program provides an anti-racist teacher preparation program designed to train and empower the next generation of educators. The Licensure Program is currently only open to those also applying to the Fellowship Program.

Licensure candidates engage in a year-long teacher preparation program that involves weekly seminars on best practices in pedagogy, curriculum and instruction, within an anti-racist and equity-based framework. In addition to coursework, licensure candidates work in partnership with their Instructional Mentor to discuss, plan and implement daily classes and lesson plans. Licensure candidates have the opportunity to earn their Colorado Alternative Teacher License for no-cost, within the context of a supportive, nurturing and progressive educational environment. Our licensure candidates live on campus and form a tight-knit, supportive group because they are progressing through their coursework and working at Eagle Rock together. All of our candidates are placed here at Eagle Rock, allowing us to provide multiple layers of support and programming.

We offer the following licensure options:

Drama Theater Arts Grades K-12 

English Language Arts Grades 7-12 

Mathematics Grades 7-12

Music Grades K-12

Physical Education Grades K-12 

Science Grades 7-12

Social Studies Grades 7-12 

Visual Arts Grades K-12

World Languages Grades K-12

Licensure candidates will be involved in all aspects of student life at Eagle Rock- from academic classes to residential life- learning how to become well-rounded educators working with a diverse student body, while acknowledging that learning happens everywhere, both for students and for instructors. 

Alternative Teacher Pathway - Requirements: The alternative teacher pathway allows individuals to serve as a teacher while completing the necessary teacher preparation based on the Colorado Teacher Quality Standards. While serving as a teacher, alternative candidates put what they learn into practice immediately.

To qualify for an Alternative License, each candidate must:

There are two pathways for completing the Eagle Rock Alternative Licensure Program:  

1. Alternative Teacher License: for those applicants who also demonstrate content knowledge for the subject area they will be teaching via:

2. Interim Authorization: for those who have not yet demonstrated content knowledge in their subject area.

Eagle Rock is a liberating force in education.  We prepare the next generation of leaders to claim their power and find their voice.  If you’re ready to transform yourself, our students, and your world, this is your invitation.