Soccer 7s

January to May 2024

Genders and Levels: Girls grade 6-12 and Boys grade 6-12

Girls practice days: Monday/Wednesday (No Fridays)

Boys practice days: Tuesday/Thursday (No Saturdays)

Time: 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.

Location: Main Field

There are no tryouts for this team. This team will include the players that do not make the Futsal teams nor wish to participate in Futsal. Soccer 7s teams will not travel to NR or compete in a league. 

EAB Soccer 7s plan for January to May 2024

Soccer 7s for girls will be offered on Tuesday & Thursday only if there is an over-subscription of students for Futsal as there is a field space available for the overflow. The boys will have Soccer 7s offered on Monday & Wednesday.

Soccer 7s will be strictly for the players that are not selected for Futsal nor attend the tryouts. 

All players must try out for Futsal unless the player has no interest in Futsal.  Soccer 7s teams will not travel to NR or compete in a league. There will be an attempt at internal competitions or friendly matches based on availability. The objective of Soccer 7s is to offer a chance for players to stay physically active and improve their skills in one of the most popular sports in the world! Not to mention, we will have fun!

EAB Soccer 7s Philosophy

The objective of Soccer 7s is to offer a chance for players to stay physically active and improve their skills in one of the most popular sports in the world! Not to mention, we will have fun!

There will be an attempt at internal competitions or friendly matches based on availability.