Computer Graphics and Digital Design 5 - 6

In this project-based course, students will function as real-world, freelance, graphic com­munications entities. During the course of the year, students will acquire clients from the school, school district, or local community fulfilling their individual graphic communi­cation needs. At the end of the course, students will have created a digital and/or print portfolio of their work to be used for job interviews, college admissions packages, and internship assignments.

Classroom Materials:


  • A binder with dividers in order to record project development documentation

  • A pen or pencil for note taking


  • Coloring pencils for sketching thumbnails and roughs. (I also have coloring pencils that can be shared with the rest of the class)

  • A minimum of a two gigabyte portable USB thumb drive is also recommended for backup and archival purposes (This can be shared for all of your classes). This will also provide the opportunity to work on some projects at home or share completed projects with the family.


Computer Graphics and Digital Design 5&6 Syllabus.pdf