
Holt McDougal Online - This is the textbook we are using for both Algebra 1-2 and Algebra 3-4.

Username and Password: the same as they use to log on to the computers at school

  • Interactive Textbook
  • Online homework assignments
  • Student Resources:
      • Guided Notes
      • Reteach documents
      • Videos of a professor teaching every example found in the textbook
      • Extra practice.

Assignments are graded based on completion and not the accuracy only because the program get be overly sensitive on how students answer the problems. However, all assignments should be checked as they do them. This program has a great feature of walking students through each problem step by step if they get the problem wrong. Each problem they get wrong they should be going through the step by step to see what they need to do and then after that they should click to have a new problem.

Khan Academy - a free online resource Khan Academy

Each student will log into my class through google classroom. Google Classroom is linked to Khan Academy so once they sign into google classroom they will be able to get into Khan Academy.

IXL - this is an online resource where students can practice anything. If you look below you will see that it's not just a math resource. This website contains problems over every math topic we will cover this year. It is a great resource when students need extra practice over either material they were suppose to know prior to enter the high school course or over current material. Students do not have logins and passwords as we do not have site licenses for this website so all they do is search for what they want to study and begin doing problems. As they complete problems they will immediately get feedback for the problems they do . However, since we do not have a license with logins for the website they will only be allowed to complete 10 problems per computer per day. Students can do any problems from here for extra credit. They just need to write them on a piece of paper and submit them for credit.

Method Test Prep - Method Test Prep

Comprehensive Check List

The checklist is built with students in mind. Each lesson is less than 5 minutes long and contains examples. After the lesson there is a short quiz so students can practice the strategies they have learned. All quizzes contain immediate feedback including a video explanation, audio explanation and a written explanation.

More Features

Audio, Video and Written Explanations

Scroll along as the audio component walks you through.

On Demand Quizzes

Personalized quizzes based on which concepts are giving you trouble.