Course Information

Below is the course requirement sheet given to every student on the first day of school. If I had to sum up the most important things to know about my course I would say the following:

  • There is homework EVERYDAY. That includes over the weekend. Doing homework is the single most important part to learning math. This is my 25th year teaching math and I can tell you that if your child is not a "good test taker" it's because they are not doing enough practice. They must do homework outside of the classroom without help being provided to them. If they fail to do this then the day they take the test will be the first time they are trying the problems on their own. All my homework is graded based on completion.
  • Buy your student a graphing calculator. Throughout the course I will show them how to use the calculator and will help them tremendously as the year goes on. It is a requirement for them to be able to use one when they test in the spring time on the state exam. Also they need to use them when they take their SAT and ACT tests for college so the sooner they get one the better they will be in long run. Look below for acceptable types. The Casio is by far the cheapest at $49.99 and does everything the TI calculators can do if money is an issue. I do have calculators provided for them to use in the classroom. When at home if they do not have their own graphing calculator they can download a calculator app DESMOS or the wabbitemu if they have an Android phone.
  • Students can retake their assessments, but must complete practice work beforehand. Most retakes will be completed during tutoring which is usually Tuesday and Thursday after school from 2:30-3:30.

Calculator Price List is from August 2019. The changes will be higher for most calculators after the beginning of the school year.

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