Classroom Rules

Dear Parents,


Every year I have taught, I have had successful and hard working students. I truly believe that by teaching them the following Lifeskills, they always showed an interest in learning, and always did their best work.   The classroom’s climate was awesome, and every child learned.  Your child will learn many things in my class, including technology: Google Docs, and Google Presentations just to name a few. But, he/she must understand that only through cooperation and responsibility will this be able to occur, especially since we are starting with 30-35 students in the classroom.


                                                   Show Your Character Always:                                                            

  Be Trustworthy

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Fair

Be Caring

Be a Good Citizen

In order to have a successful year, please discuss with your child some of the expectations that I will have in my class:


    All students will show respect, toward me, and toward each other.

    Your child should not be afraid to try.  If they need help with anything, I will always be there.

    Students will respect each other’s property. 

    Students will be honest. 

    In order to teach the Lifeskill of Responsibility, students must turn in all homework.  

    All work must be legible, including homework.  If it is not, your child will be asked to redo it. 

    Students will let the teacher teach, and other students learn.

    Any work not completed in class during the day will be sent home as extra homework. It will be due the next school day.

Students will learn other rules during the first week of school.  Please take the time to talk with him/her throughout the first week about what those rules are, and what they will do in order to have a successful and fun 5th grade.


Thank you in advance for your support.

Ms. Netzel