Dual Enrollment Information

Something new this year at Willow is the opportunity to take US History for college credit, Dual Enrollment. We have partnered with Rio Salado College in Tempe to do so. Students will be able to choose to take this class at Willow and receive up to 6 credits (full year). There are no extra tests or work beyond classwork. This is a great way to save money. Students do not have to pay for books and materials, they pay a one time fee of $15 per semester regardless of total classes enrolled and only pay $85 per credit hour. ASU charges $140 plus hundreds more in fees and books. Dual Enrollment cost $270 per semester for 3 credit hours. At ASU it costs $2,700, not counting books, housing, food, transportation, etc.

These credits transfer to all Arizona colleges and universities and most out of state ones. I've attached a flyer that has more details. If this still doesn't answer your questions come see me at Open House on the 5th, contact your students counselor, or speak with the Rio Salado representative that night. I can also send information on tuition assistance if needed. Students need to register by August 12 to enroll.

One concern that many parents have is what if my student doesn't want to take this class for college credit? That's ok, they do not need to. The class is taught in a hybrid style that is challenging but attainable for all students. I believe that all students are capaible of sucess and they will only fail if they don't try. They can still earn their social studies credit for high school graduation without dual enrolling.

Class Code for HIST 103 (Fall): 32627

Class Code for HIST 104 (Spring):


Tuition assistance is still avaible. Its first come first serve and there's still oney left (as of 7/30)

Rio Tuition assistance.pdf