Classroom Expectations

Here are my classroom expectations:

I would like you to be informed of my fourth grade discipline plan that will be utilized in all classrooms this year. The classroom rules are plainly visible and I have explained them to your children and they fully understand them.

Classroom expectations are to be respectful, safe and responsible. We do this by keeping our hands, feet and object to ourselves, using walking feet, staying in our area, and following directions. We will be prepared for lessons and be active listeners. We will strive to use nice words when we speak and taking ownership of our behavior.

Discipline Plan for My Classroom

1. Verbal warning means the student is given a moment to reflect on behavior

2. Quick one on one conference with student and student will move to another location in the room.

3. Buddy Room assignment for 15 or less minutes

4. Lunch reflection time with our assistant principal and parent will be contacted.

Having more than three lunch reflections will result in an office referral.

Highly inappropriate behavior could result in an automatic office referral.

Positive incentives include notes home, special treats, stickers, and other items.

Daily Agenda

Every night your child should read 15 or more minutes. Homework will be written in your child's agenda every night. Homework is important because it allows the child to practice the skills learned in school. Homework reinforces skills already taught and should not require a lot of help.

I know this will continue to be a great year!

Miss Heibich