About Miss Heibich

     My name is Miss Heibich, and this is my 33 year of teaching!  I have taught in Texas and Arizona. The grade levels I have taught in my career are grades 3, 4, 5, and 6.  My father was in the United States Army and retired after 30 years of service.  My mother worked in several types of offices and is also retired.  I have an identical twin sister, Mrs. Ballew who teaches kindergarten in the Dysart District. I also have an older sister who lives in Texas and is a retired nurse. I am an aunt to two nieces and one nephew and one grand niece and two grand nephews.

     The places I have lived before moving to Arizona are many.  I have lived in Ontario, Oregon, Fort Lewis, Washington, El Paso, Texas (3 times), Houston, Texas, Syracuse, New York, Bad Hersfeld, Germany, Nürnberg, Germany, Gelnhausen, Germany, Heidelberg, Germany and Arizona.  I have also visited the countries of Luxembourg, Spain, Canada, Mexico, the Czech Republic and Israel. 

     My hobbies include most anything having to do with sports. The greatest thing though to do is to READ, READ, READ and READ some more!  

     I am a first generation American and born in the great state of Texas.  I am also the first family member, along with my twin sister, to receive a college degree.  I have an Associates of Applied Science degree in Law Enforcement and a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education.  Since my parents immigrated from Germany, German was the first language I learned to speak and still speak it today.

     I am privileged to teach your children and hope to improve their basic skills in reading, writing, grammar and spelling.  

     Thank you for always sending your students on time to school.  Please make sure your child attends school on a daily basis unless they are really ill.  Every day is an important day of learning.  Also, please, please encourage your child to read 20 minutes or more every night.    

The Heidelberg Castle is pictured above.  I lived in Heidelberg, Germany for three years where I attended 7th, 8th, and 9th grade.