
Dear Parents& Guardians,

I would just like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you.  My name is Kimberly Simpson and I have taught 2nd grade at Luke Elementary and this will be my 21st year here at Kingswood teaching 1st grade.   I am a proud parent of one child.  She is now finishing up her senior year at Valley Vista High school; it will be a very exciting year!

The education of your child is both a privilege and a great responsibility that I am delighted to have this year.  Our days and weeks will be filled with many wonderful experiences and opportunities for learning and growing!  We will venture into becoming Imaginative Independent Individuals, Ready Rapid Readers, Maintaining Math Minds, Super Science Scientists and Wonderful Willing Writers!

  My goal as a teacher revolves around assisting your child in experiencing successful moments in the classroom, and helping him or her to become an independent successful and confident first grader.  I look forward to working with you and your child. 


Ms. Kimberly Simpson