
Character Counts!

Character Traits/Colors

I am accountable for my choices.

Kingswood Elementary – First Grade

1. Trustworthiness- I will be honest and tell the truth.

2. Respect- I will be kind to others and treat them the way I want to be treated.

3. Responsibility- I will follow directions, work hard and do my best.

4. Fairness- I will share with others, take turns, and not blame others.

5. Caring- I will be kind and considerate.

6. Citizenship- I will follow the rules and help make my school a great place to be!

Knights Code-Classroom

Be Respectful

• Be courteous

• Keep the classroom clean

Be Responsible

• Be prepared for class

• Use supplies appropriately

Be Safe

• Use seating appropriately

• Body ton yourself

Be A Learner

• Participate in class

• Complete assignments on time