
Field Trip to Pioneer Village

Picture of students seated on bleachers at Pioneer Living History Museum.
Picture of another group of students seated on bleachers at Pioneer Living History Museum.
Picture of a third group of students seated on bleachers at Pioneer Living History Museum.

Civil War Museum

Students create various visual, written and speaking projects to present to their classes as our culminating project for our Civil War Unit. Students also had the opportunity to share their projects with staff members and other grade levels at our Ashton Ranch Afternoon at the Museum.

The Egg Drop Challenge

Students sitting outside of building watching as a container with grocery bag tied to it as a parachute falls from the roof.
Student opens his container that was designed to protect the egg to find the egg has cracked inside.
Student holds grocery bag that has a container attached by a string. Broken egg is dripping from container.
Student shows a whole egg with no cracks inside of his container made of duct tape and straws.
Students staring at rook waiting for the next egg to drop. Some students are holding their projects that have already dropped.
Student shows another egg that did not crack. Container has a grocery bag attached as a parachute, cotton pads line the inside of container engineered with craft sticks and straws.