Show Notes

Monday, November 5: I cannot express how proud I am of all of the hard work and dedication you all put into this past weekend! Our show was a HIT!! I have heard nothing but positive comments and reviews! The post-show depression is real, though! I miss you all VERY much, and I really wish we were having rehearsal tonight! I hope you are watching Oklahoma! and thinking about parts!! Keep the Remind for this show...I will still be contacting you about Drama Club stuff! Don't forget we have a meeting next Tuesday at lunch! Can't wait to see you then!!! Love you!!! XOXOXOXOXOXO Check out the Oklahoma! page for show information!!

Friday, November 2: Notes from last night. We did it guys!! OPENING NIGHT!!!!! I cannot tell you how proud I am of all that we have accomplished! Tonight will be amazing! I am so excited for you! Enjoy your day!

Thursday, November 1: Please be sure to check out the notes from last night. They are linked below. Lots to think about from last night. The biggest thing that I take away from last night would be that we have worked so hard and rehearsed so long to hold back in out final performances. I would hate for you to have any regrets on Sunday morning about, "Oh, I wish I'd done that." or "Oh, I wish I gone for it a little harder!" Leave everything on the stage, and the show will be a hit!! No doubt about it!! We've got this!! I can't wait for tonight!! Run through your lines, think about your blocking! XOXOXOXOXOXOOXOOOX

10/31 - Notes

Pre-Show Checklist

Wednesday, October 31: Happy Halloween!!! I hope you had the chance to tune in to WJEZ radio just now and listen to our interview! I think we sounded AWESOME!! Very professional!! I think this is awesome promotion for our show! I am super happy with last night's rehearsal! Congratulations to our amazing Understudies for a rock solid performance! WE know what we need to keep pushing - LINES!! We can do it! Remember, I will be at the school by 5. Anyone wanting to come early and start getting ready can come anytime after that. PLEASE!?!?! We are on stage for Mr. Kaiser at 6:30. We want to give him a great show! When is our best show - TODAY!! Click HERE to see the notes from last night! XOXOX

Tuesday, October 30: I am really encouraged by last night! We are going to have an amazing weekend! Encourage your people to get their tickets! Friday is getting full! Saturday is doing good, but there is more space there. KEEP WORKING YOUR LINES!!! That is the whole key! Be thinking about the bake sale! We need lots of goodies! Understudies tonight! Be prompt so we can be ready for our guests! We can do this!!!

Monday, October 29: Happy Tech Week, everyone! We an do this! Dig deep! Review those lines! Nerves are normal, but you guys KNOW this show backward and forward! Let's focus and make tonight the best one yet. This is the time to work out these kinks! I am proud of you, and I know that you will do great! Take care of yourselves! Eat right, get your rest! OXOX

Check out the hallway display!! Thank you to Andi, Izzy's mom!


Friday, October 26: I am happy with what we accomplished last night. We can do this!! The whole key is MEMORIZATION!! Get those lines down and then we can work on transcending the acting and really become the character. THAT'S when things really pop!! Rest up and have a great day! Relax and prepare for this week! Tech Week is both tough and wonderful! This is the time when I really see a cast pulling together to create something lasting and awesome. We can do that. No more holding anything back. Go for it 150%! Be more!! BE EXTRA!!! We CAN!! See you Sunday!! 3pm unless you are in Band.

Reminder to Lit Club Helpers:

  • Be at the grade school by 8.
  • Wear your Show T-shirt.
  • Food will be provided.
  • I love ya!

Thursday, October 25: I was really happy with what we accomplished last night! Let's really focus and do a great job tonight. We have to work these kinks out today. Next week is just for fine tuning! NO major changes should be happening! We have worked long and hard on this show, let's really show people what we can do! The intensity and energy on the last run-through was really good. I can't wait to see all the t-shirts today! We will get mics on right away and let Mr. Gund check the levels. Then we will run through the full show. Dinner will be at intermission and then we will finish. After that we will hit the rough spots until we decide that we are satisfied. "We will never be satisfied!"

Wednesday, October 24: Act 3 tonight. We WILL be putting mics on for those people that are at rehearsal. All memorization must be completed this week. NO BOOKS NEXT WEEK!!! Please remember your t-shirt money if you still owe me. We will be wearing our shirts Thursday. All patron forms are due to me this week. Any patrons turned in next week will NOT be in the program. Let's really focus and make these last TWO rehearsals before Tech Week count!

Tuesday, October 23: Click HERE for the notes from last night. Let's keep pushing! We are so close. We can do this, it's just a matter of how bad do we want it! Let's wear our show shirts on Thursday. If you still owe me money for a shirt, I need it ASAP! I need any Patron Forms that you might have!! Seniors, I need your Bios TODAY!!! Tonight's rehearsal is 3:30-5:30pm. Act 3. Keep thinking about Thursday, 3:30-??? We will put mics on that day! We can DO this!!!!! XOXO

Monday, October 22: Don't forget that today is our Full Show rehearsal with understudies. Let's do this!! How ready do we feel??? See you tonight! I need senior stuff and Patron forms!!! XOXOXO

Sunday, October 21: I know the game has been scheduled for Friday night and we are supposed to have a long rehearsal. We will have a plan ready to go by Monday. No worries! Practice those lines!! We need to be VERY prepared!

Friday, October 19: I had so much fun at rehearsal today! You did an amazing job! Please take this momentum and let it carry you through this weekend! Keep pushing that memorization! Don't be satisfied with "good", let's be GREAT!! I am attaching the notes from today HERE. Check out the videos from today as well. They give a quick peek at how things are going. I have also attached a link to the Patron list below. Please get out and get those going! Take those flyers around right away, too! Seniors - BIOS!! Don't forget...pocket lint!! XOXO


Thursday, October 18: Act III is coming along! Keep hammering that memorization! The visit to the Board of Education meeting was a success! Thank you to those who visited!! Ticket sellers for today need to be at the office by 3:45. Thank you!! We will be doing Act III again tonight. Full sho rehearsal tomorrow from 8-noon! All tech will be used! No costumes, but EVERYTHING else!! We are having a PJ Day! I will bring the donuts!! Let's really knock this out of the park!! We are getting to the home stretch now, guys! We can DO it!! Seniors...I need your bios! I need Patron forms!! Below are some pictures from last night! Thanks to Mr. Gund for taking the picture! Monkeypotomus!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 17: Notes from last night are linked HERE! I am glad that we were able to get through acts 1 and 2 last night. Some thoughts on last night. It was rough, let's admit that. But, I believe that it's at times like this when we can really pull together. Sometimes it takes a rough day to make us re-focus and commit to doing out best down this last stretch. I know people are tired. PLEASE take care of yourselves! I want you to be able to fully enjoy this amazing experience, especially you seniors!! You all know how critical it is to be at rehearsal. We need everyone. If you absolutely can't be there, it is up to you to practice your lines so that you are ready when you get back! I know that you all want this to be the best production possible, let's make it happen! Deep breath!

Reminder - Ticket sellers need to be at school at 3:45. Board of Ed people need to be getting dressed at 5:30. The meeting starts at 6pm. I will be there at 7. On stage at 7:15! See you then! LOVE YA!!!

Tuesday, October 16: I thought last night went well! I am pleased that we were able to get through Act III twice. Really focus on memorization! We can do this!! Please get cracking on those Patron forms! That is the money that will help produce the musical. More funds=more prop, set, and costumes! Start having your families think about their ticket needs. Tickets go on sale on Monday. I need Fiddler money and t-shirt money! Ticket sellers for Parent Teacher Conferences are as follows:


Miranda, Hunter, Matt, Owen, Max.


Andrew, Amber, Matt, Natalie, Max.

Meet in the office at 3:45. The table will be there. Mrs. Fransen will have all of the stuff. Be friendly! ;-)

We will hit Act I and Act II tonight. All tech and props will be used. NO BOOKS!!!!! Can't wait! XOXOXOX!!!

Friday, October 12: Great rehearsal last night! It's good to start seeing the tech come into play. Ethan commented that the show is so funny, and it's still in a pretty rough state. This is a good time to start thinking about how to react when there is laughter. Be sure that we are not racing through our lines so quickly that people will miss those funny moments, and WHEN they do laugh, be sure to stop and let then laugh!!! Next week is critical. We will be hitting Act III HARD! We need to get that worked out so that we can spend the final two weeks perfecting. We will also have some key people missing because of FFA, so we need to stay ahead of he game. Please remember Lit Club tonight. The more the merrier!! The Parent Note is linked below. Have a great weekend!

SENIORS: A link to the Senior Bio form is HERE!

Thursday, October 11: Act I is looking pretty good. Be sure to keep working on those lines! We've got lots to cover today! We will do Act I/Scene II right off the bat and then go right into Act II.


  • Fiddler money is due
  • T-shirt money is due
  • Lit Club at the grade school tomorrow after school
  • Act II memoization deadline is tomorrow
  • We need people to sell tickets October 17 and 18 from 4-7pm.
  • We need people to help with Literary Contest at the Grade School October 27th from 8-noon.
  • Seniors, I need your stuff!
  • Get those Patron forms out there!!!

Wednesday, October 10: Last night was great! I feel like a ton of progress was made. Please look over the notes that are linked HERE, and watch the video clip of the game so you can see how things are looking. We still need to work on slowing down and projecting. ENERGY is key! Tonight's rehearsal is 3:30-5:30. We will be doing Act I. We start Act III on Monday. PLEASE start looking ahead! We will pass Patron Forms tonight. Please check to see if you can help with the Lit Club COntest on October 27th at the grade school. We also need people to sell tickets the nights of Parent Teacher Conferences. There will be a sign up sheet out tonight. Thank you for all of your hard work!!! XOXO
