The COVID Chronicles

We can finally release the video that we made in April! Check it out along with the amazing virtual JAZZ SHOW!!

Hey, guys! I just wanted to give you the rundown for Tech Week. This is a very unusual few days, but if we stay on track and work together, we can pull off an amazing show! It is critical that you are at all of these rehearsals! Please also be on time!! We have a very short amount of time to smooth all of the rough edges, and It will take EVERYONE to be there and do that! All costume parts and all props should be at school by now. If they are not, they need to be there right away!

Tech Week Schedule:

Monday, November 2nd - Rehearsal 3:15-7? We will NOT be getting into costumes for this rehearsal. We will run the show through fully 2 times at least. I will let you go early if at all possible. (Arrive by 3:15. Set-up by 3:45. Mic check at 3:45. Vocal Warm-up at 4:00. Start at 4:15.)

Tuesday, November 3rd - No Rehearsal/No School. Go vote if you are 18! Encourage your people to vote if they are 18!!

Wednesday, November 4th - Wear Show shirts and masks today!! Rehearsal 3:15-7? We will be getting into costumes for this rehearsal. We will run the show through fully 2 times at least. I will let you go early if at all possible. (Arrive by 3:15. Set-up by 3:45. Mic check at 3:45. Vocal Warm-up at 4:00. Start at 4:15.)

Thursday, November 5th - Rehearsal 3:15-7? We will be getting into costumes for this rehearsal. We will run the show through fully 2 times at least. I will let you go early if at all possible. (Arrive by 3:15. Set-up by 3:45. Mic check at 3:45. Vocal Warm-up at 4:00. Start at 4:15.)

Friday, November 6th - Rehearsal 3:15-7? We will be getting into costumes for this rehearsal. We will run the show through fully 2 times at least. I will let you go early if at all possible. (Arrive by 3:15. Set-up by 3:45. Mic check at 3:45. Vocal Warm-up at 4:00. Start at 4:15.)

Saturday, November 7th - SHOW DAY!!

Call Time - 5:00pm

Mic Check - 5:30pm

Vocal Warm-up - 5:45pm

Doors Open - 6:00pm

Show time!! - 6:30pm

Strike - After

Dear Drama Students and Parents,

First, I would like to thank you for the patience and flexibility as we have worked to prepare this show for you! It is such a good feeling to see students and families who are committed to the arts in spite of difficult times.

This show will look different than any other show that you have experienced in the past. We are choosing to embrace those differences, and I think you will be impressed with what these students have accomplished. This year, the students have taken on much of the responsibility for rehearsal and preparation. They have blocked and choreographed, costumed and designed their sets. I am incredibly proud.

I want to share some information regarding the performance itself. We ARE having a live performance! Thank you so much to Mr. Pittenger and the DTHS Administration for helping to make this happen! The show is Saturday, November 7th, at 6:30pm. No tickets are needed. Masks will be required at all times.

When you get to the high school, please enter through Door 2/Auditorium. You will proceed to a staging room to await your student’s performance. This will help us to adhere to the safety guidelines regarding the number of people in one space.

An announcement will be made to let you know who and when people should be seated in the auditorium. Please use the doors in the back to enter. Each student’s group will have a designated spot to sit for the performance. You will exit through the front left doors. When your student has finished their performance, you will be asked to return to your staging room. The entire performance will be streamed to those rooms so that you can see all of the acts. I know that this seems like a lot of moving around. We appreciate your patience with the measures that must be in place for us to have a show.

Due to social distancing guidelines, we will not be able to have a receiving line in the hallway after the show. I am so sorry. I would ask that students remain at the school to help strike the sets and clean the auditorium. Also, because of space concerns, we will not be having a cast party. Again, I am sorry.

Once again, I am very impressed with what these students have accomplished during these difficult circumstances. Thank you for all that you have done to support us through this! Enjoy the show!


Mrs. Stewart

Hey, guys! I miss seeing you in person very much! I am really happy with the way that things have been going for the Zoom rehearsals. I think we are going to have an amazing show. We will be having a FULL CAST Zoom meeting on Tuesday, September 29, at 2:30pm. We will use that time to discuss the review process, and answer any questions regarding our show. It is really important that everyone join that meeting. The codes are the regular Zoom codes. Can't wait to see you!

Hey, guys! Somehow the Zoom codes got deleted form the website! Here they are again! Sorry!!

Class Code - 863 5054 2200

Password - P199h6


It's time for t-shirts! I think they are super fun!! We will be doing ordering differently this year. Your shirts will be purchased by the Drama Department. If any family or friends would like a shirt to support our show, they can email me with their size, and I will add it to the order. Shirts are $14.00. I need to know your orders by Friday, October 2nd.

The COVID Chronicles Review

Please sign up for a day to come in and perform your piece on stage. This will be when the decision is made about who will be moving forward for final production. You will need to be here for the entire time. Consideration for sports will be made. Please sign up using the name of your selection. People doing multiple selections must sign up with all of your pieces. Please sign up by Thursday, October 1st.

Click the link to sign up!

We are up and running! Zoom Rehearsals begin today! Please click on the link to check the rehearsal schedule. Because I don't see you as often, it is critical that you check the website often. You will also have to take personal responsibility for getting your pieces in good shape!

Zoom Rehearsal Schedule

Please take time to get signed up for the Covid Chronicles Remind!! The directions are below!

The Covid Chronicles

Please pick a time to come to the auditorium and choose materials for our semi-virtual show! If you have ideas of your own, that would be a good time to talk to me as well! Click on the link below to add your name. I can only have 3 people looking at material at a time. If you cannot make it wither of those days, please contact me right away! 815-228-6158 I can't wait to see all of you! Masks required! ;-)

Sign-Up Sheet

The COVID Chronicles

A Semi-Virtual Show

The show will consist of individual and small group selections, produced and performed by DTHS students under the direction of Mrs. Stewart.

  • Students may be involved in as many as 3 separate selections. (Individual or up to 4 in a group.)

  • INDIVIDUALS may sing theatre selections, but must provide their own track.

  • Students/groups will choose material from the set provided by the DTHS Drama Department.

  • Dramatic selections may be from any genre, but the pieces must be fully produced in order to be part of the final show.

  • Video rehearsals will take place with Stew at a time to be determined.

  • Students will be responsible for rehearsal and memorization. Guidance with blocking, costumes, set, etc. will be provided by Stew. I will be available to you throughout this process.

  • Students may pick out selections and materials from 2:15-4:00 pm, on August 25th and 26th, in the DTHS auditorium. Please stay tuned for updates. These dates could change depending on health guidelines. All safety precautions will be followed.

  • On October 8, Selections will be presented to Mrs. Stewart and a small panel of teachers to determine selection for the final production. Anyone who is not ready at that time will not move forward. (The DTHS Drama Department has a reputation for quality productions. That will not change!)

  • Yes, we can do shirts!!!

  • Productions that move forward will meet with Mrs. Stewart regularly to put the final polish on things. These rehearsals will be determined in early October based on health guidelines. All safety precautions will be followed.

  • Our show date will remain November 6, 2020. Depending on the safety guidelines, we will either present to small groups of parents, or we will videotape all of the selections for a virtual show.

I am very excited about this new format! I am sure that this information raises as many questions as it answers. Please feel free to reach out with questions, thoughts, and ideas! As I have said all along, so much is unknown to us right now. The best that we can do is forge ahead together and work to create something unique and special. This is guaranteed to be a show that no one will ever forget!