Show Notes

March 12: And that's a wrap, folks! Each show is like one of my children. I love them all for so many reasons. I love the joys and I love the pains. It all comes together to make a lasting impression on me. This one is extra special, though. It's because of all of you. I could not have asked for more. You exceeded my wildest expectations, and you know I expect a LOT!! Hold this show close t your hearts, always! I know I will! Enjoy the pictures. The link to the full set is on the main Oklahoma! page. I love you all! Stew

Hey guys! I've placed a link to the fun video that Gretchen made below! Enjoy!! XOXOXO

Oklahoma Out-takes

Tuesday, February 26: So much is going on! Thank you for your help, your patience, and your hard work! I am so proud of this group! We are in the home stretch! We can do it! Push those Patron Forms! Get those flyers out in the community! Talk to your parents about the bake sale! Below are reminders of things that are going on over the next 10 days:

  • Announcement Readers: Dress Up Days:
  • Monday - Andrew Dress Up
  • Tuesday - Miranda, Nellie, & Matt Previous Show Shirts
  • Wednesday - Katy & Owen Drama Club Shirts
  • Thursday - Addi & Hunter Oklahoma! Shirts
  • Friday - Gretchen & Tim Western Wear

Tues. Feb 12: Awesome rehearsal last night! I'm so excited that we got through the show...FINALLY!! Please think about the things we discussed! Keep working on memorization for Act 2. Remember that rehearsal tonight will be done at 5. Tomorrow's rehearsal is 2:15-5:15. Carefully check over the attached notes from last night!

2/11 Notes

I am really thrilled with the way the mural looks! Welcome to Oklahoma!!! Check out the pictures below!

Monday, Feb 11: All right! New week, new opportunity to get LOTS done! Remember, no books in Act 1 today! We have a longer rehearsal today, and a great chance to get this show finally blocked! Let's DO IT!!! The mural will be delivered today. Please keep away! It will be hung and the house will be set up tomorrow! BIG DAY!!! Please be ready to help! Rehearsal reminders for this week:

  • Tomorrow we will need to be finished at 5pm. Drama Club meeting at lunch. VALENTINES!!!
  • Wednesday, rehearsal from 2:15-5:15pm.
  • Thursday, 3:30-6:30pm.

Tues., Feb 5: Last night was great! Things are looking OK! (Get it??) Think about energy and keep working on those lines!! We decided that we wanted to do Valentines at our next Drama Club meeting, so I am putting a link to the list below. The T-shirt order will close TOMORROW!!! Be sure to order, or let me know and I can order for you! See you later!!

Valentine List

Tues. Jan., 30: Awesome rehearsal today! We sang, decorated baskets, and ran lines. It was a bit of a random mix, but every time we rehearse we get better!

One thing that is on my mind lately is the breakdown in communication. I have asked many times for you to just text me BEFORE REHEARSAL if you can't make it. There are some people who have missed multiple days in a row without contacting me. This is not good. I know that the "Snow Day" rehearsals are optional, but a quick text that you can't make it would really help me to plan and know who is going to be able to be there!! This lack of communication must change! We only hurt ourselves when we don't communicate.

NO REHEARSAL on Wed., Jan. 31. I will conact you about Thursday if we do not have school.

Keep working on those lines/songs/dances. We are well into Act II!!

Mon. Jan,. 28: No school today. I will keep you posted about rehearsal. It is VERY important that you work on your lines and music and dances at home on these days off!! We can actually use this time to our advantage! Be safe out there! Please also be sure that you are on Bloomz, or contacting me by cell if you can't make rehearsals! Try to get those t-shirts ordered!! XOXO

(815) 228-6158.

Notes from Friday:

Just more energy always

Got to make sure we project guys

Well guys this looks good I don’t know yet

Got to stay in character!!

Sometimes the laughing hits too high a pitch

Really enthusiastic entrance gentleman please

Going to have to slow down gentleman

You need to be a little more surprised when you look at the woman in that little wonder

Guys Kansas City was good just more enthusiasm OK let’s not be satisfied with good

Can’t say no is great

Owen give me a harder shake when you shake Hunter's hand

Tim during people will say don’t close down that hug it’s hard to understand what you’re actually doing

Revised schedule for January 23-26: Due to the weather cancellation, we will follow this schedule for the rest of the week. Please practice lines, singing, and dancing. When we have to miss rehearsal, it is critical that we make up the time at home! Thank you!!!

Wednesday, Jan 23 - Full Cast Rehearsal 3:30-6:30pm.

Thursday, Jan. 24 - Full Cast Rehearsal 3:30-5:30pm

Friday, Jan. 25 - Full Cast Rehearsal 3:30-5:30pm

Tues. Jan. 22nd: NO REHEARSAL TODAY! We are cancelled due to dangerous travel and weather conditions. GO home, be safe, rehearse your lines! I'll see everyone tomorrow, 3:30-6:30! We will need it!!!

Fri., Jan 18: Good morning!

Serious talk...folks, we have gotten very lazy about 2 things. 1) People are NOT letting me know when they have to be gone from rehearsal in a timely manner!!! You all signed a contract agreeing to be responsible about attendance. Notification is part of that!!! 2) People are not respecting the 3:30 start time!! We have so much to do, and not as much time to do it as you think!! If you were in a sport, you would need to bring a snack and eat at school before you started. We have people that walk in at 3:29, 3:35, etc. every day. This will not work!! What do we want our show to be??? Ask yourself that question, please!!!

As some of you have heard, the Remind app is going to start charging Verizon customers for messages. Because of that, I will no longer be using Remind. I have attached a link for the new message app, Bloomz, below. Please follow the instructions and add yourself as a PARENT. Please note that when asked for an email, you will need to use an outside email, NOT YOUR SCHOOL EMAIL!! Please do this right away. I will not be using Remind after today. Thank you! Please also check back for schedule adjustments for next week due to Scholastic Bowl. Thanks!

Most people are off tonight, but if you want to come and work on lines and dancing, I will be there until 5:30. If not, please remember that Vermillion Players is Monday!!! We will meet at 11:30 at the school. You will need money for lunch. We will eat and then go to get costumes. We will be done around 4. EVERYONE should use this long weekend to work on lines, singing, and dancing!! NO BOOKS IN ACT I next week!! The Act II memorization deadline is February 1.

Bloomz Instructions

Senior Bio

Wed., Jan. 16: Great rehearsal last night, guys! Let's make the most of the next few days. We have shorter time, but we can still get lots done if we FOCUS!!! I am including a link for the Kansas City Dance, and for the girls' parts for Many a New Day. The more we practice at home, the more productive our rehearsals will be!

Kansas City Dance Many/New Day ALL 1/2 speed

Many/New Day All Full Speed

Many/New Day Alto 1/2 speed Many/New Day Alto Sheet Music

Many/New Day Alto Full Speed

Many/Day M. Soprano 1/2 speed Many/Day M. Sop. Sheet Music

Many/Day M. Sop. Full Speed

Many/New Day Soprano 1/2 speed Many/Day Soprano Sheet Music

Many/Day Soprano Full Speed

Tues. Jan., 15: I hope you enjoyed a night off yesterday! Please read the schedule changes below CAREFULLY! You know how much I hate to change the schedule, but these things could not be helped. Some unexpected things have happened that make these adjustments necessary. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Tuesday, Jan. 15: Act I/Scene I (All) 3:30-6:30

Wednesday, Jan. 16: Act I/Scene I (All) 3:30-4:30 NOTE CHANGE!!

Thursday, Jan. 17: Anyone who can come. Act I/Scene I 3:30-4:30 NOTE CHANGE!!

Friday, Jan. 18: Act I/Scene II 3:30-5:30.

Please also check the reminders below! See you later on! XOX

Fri., Jan 11: Awesome job last night, everyone! I'm pleased with the progress on Scandal and Outrage, especially. That song is really going to pop! Guys, you just have to remember - BIG REACTIONS!! - don't just hang out in the back! Many a new day is looking so great, too! Loving the new motions! And just wait till you see Cain't Say No, People Will Say, and Surrey! Check the reminders below, please! I will also need painters at some point next week! Thanks, and see you tonight!

Thurs., Jan 10: Last night reminded me of why I like 3 hour rehearsals so much! We get SO MUCH done! Great job last night! We've got a long ways to go, but we are making progress every day! Here are the videos that we made last night for the two big dances. I have included links in case the videos don't work properly for you! Keep working on those lines!!


  • Vermillion Players - Monday, January 21. Meet at 11:30, lunch, get costumes, home by 4.
  • Seniors - Start finding a picture to use for the Senior Showcase!!
  • Bring your Boots in!!
  • Start bringing costume and prop pieces in!!

Kansas City

Farmer and Cowman

Weds., Jan. 9th: Great rehearsal last night! Keep working on those lines and songs! Tonight we will work on Kansas City, and move into Cain't Say No. Vermillion Players will be Monday, January 21. We will meet at 11:45 and go eat first. We should be back at 4. See you tonight!

Monday, Jan. 7th: We've had great rehearsals so far! Keep working on those dances and learning those lines. I want to be off book this week for Act 1!!! We can do it! Act 1/Scene 1, p. 23-48 tomorrow. 3:30-5:30. Remember, if you are sick it is up to you to let me know! Remind is a great tool!!

Rehearsal tracks for the "Oklahoma" song. Please use these instead of RMS. They are specifically made for our show. Thanks Mr. Gund!

All Parts/Piano

All Parts.wav

Alto Sheet Music

Alto track

Bass Sheet Music

Bass Track

Soprano Sheet Music

Soprano track

Tenor Sheet Music

Tenor track

Tuesday, Dec. 4: Music rehearsals have started, and it is really sounding awesome! Be sure that you have gotten on Remind, and that you have downloaded RMS and gone through the process outlined in the email that I sent you. This is VERY important for everyone! Company singers have LOTS of songs, and it is important that they are just as strong as the soloists. Remember that we have our Table Read on Thursday, December 6th, from 3:30-5:30 in the auditorium. See you then! XOXO