
Speech and Drama            Mrs. Tufto                 2023-2024

I am looking forward to having you in Speech! I will make every effort to provide an enjoyable learning experience for you. I also expect that you will come to class prepared and actively participate while you are here. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to see me before or after school or during my prep period. You may also reach me via email –   



Consequences: Warning (verbal or nonverbal), call home, detention, removal from the room. Consequences will be logical to the infraction (example: you write on your desk, you clean all the desks during lunch hour/after school, etc.).

Late assignments will receive 80% if it is quality work. As per the student handbook, makeup work is due two days after your return to class; after that time it will be graded as a late assignment. If you missed a test or quiz, it is your responsibility to schedule a time to take the exam. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out and then make up what you missed. There will be a designated place in the classroom to come gather any missed worksheets/papers.