
Language Arts 2023-2024

"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers." -- Charles William Eliot

Prep Periods

5th Hour          12:00-12:57

8th hour             2:30-3:12


I am looking forward to working through the school year with each of you. I will make every effort to provide an enjoyable learning experience for you during 8th Grade Language Arts. I also expect that you will come to class prepared and actively participate while you are here. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to see me before or after school or during my prep period. You may also reach me via email –  


Writing:      Five-paragraph Essay, Research paper, Journal Responses

Reading:  AR books, The Refugee, various novel units, short stories, Achieve3000, and poetry. Eighth graders are required to take the state reading test in April.


Accelerated Reader: We will continue to work with the AR program. Each quarter, you are expected to read one book and complete an AR test (80% or higher). Check  to see if  the book has an AR quiz. Quizzes will only be taken in the classroom under the teacher’s supervision. Any AR points earned over the required points will receive a one to one transfer as extra credit to raise your grade up to one half grade. If you are not passing the class, you may not use AR extra credit points to earn a passing grade.  If you already have 98%, you may not earn any extra credit AR points. If any extenuating circumstances arise, the teacher will have final discretion for AR points. AR points will be calculated at the end of the quarter.

Daily Language Review (DLR) will be used each day for review of grammar and usage, word study, punctuation and capitalization. 

Achieve 3000 will be used each each week. You will be graded on multiple choice questions and a short written question. Achieve 3000 will be 30% of your overall grade.



Consequences: Warning (verbal or nonverbal), call home, detention, removal from the room. Consequences will be logical to the infraction (example: you write on your desk, you clean all the desks during lunch hour/after school, etc.).


Assignment of a grade will be based on total points accumulated during the grading period and will follow the grading system in the DBHS student handbook.


AR - 10%

DLR, Interactive notebooks - 10%

Achieve 3000 – 30%

Class work/Assignments/Projects/Tests- 50%

Late assignments will receive 80% if it is quality work. As per the student handbook, makeup work is due two days after your return to class; after that time it will be graded as a late assignment. If you missed a test or quiz, it is your responsibility to schedule a time to take the exam. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out and then make up what you missed. There will be a designated place in the classroom to come gather any missed worksheets/papers.

Essays will be an important part of grading for this class. For each essay, a checklist will be provided to the student before the due date. Rewrites will be allowed on some, but not all, essays. It is important to have first drafts done on time to allow for improvement before a grade is assigned to the final paper.  All essays should be double spaced and typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman font.