

This is our subject selection site which we have set up for 2024. It outlines the subjects available to you for next year.  It also provides information about the qualifications you can work towards and how the subjects lead into these, as you move through secondary school

There is a wealth of information on this site, from NCEA, to Guidance on making your selections; from requirements for each year level, to the 'how to make the selections' through the parent portal. 

There are links on each page to Dunstan High School's Careers facebook page, the CATE site (Careers and Transition Education) and the Careers NZ website. These are all sites which have huge amounts of information about careers, planning a career, tertiary study and training options and secondary school study and training options.

The decisions you make now will impact on your future so it is important to consider them carefully.  We strongly recommend that you take the time to plan your whole course of study from Year 11–13 so that you know where you are heading and what you must do to get there.  It is also important that you understand what qualification you may gain from each of your chosen subjects.

Gather as much information as you can and discuss the available options with your parents and caregivers.  There are also a number of people at school who can offer you advice.  These include your subject teacher, tutor teacher, a head of learning area (HOF), dean, careers advisor, or a member of the senior leadership team.

We look forward to assisting you in making appropriate subject choices that move you along your chosen pathway for the future.

Key Dates to Keep in Mind:

Todd Adams


Video describing how to navigate your way through this Subject Selection site for Seniors

How to use the course selection site.webm