
Results will be available here, on the main Dunedin Orienteering website results page site and on winsplits as soon as is possible.

RouteGadget will be available after the weekend for the Long & Middle Distance Events.

Certificates? Prizegiving?

PAPO set a Covid and environmentally friendly precedent at last year's South Island Champs in November, by not having certificates, but applauding en masse all those who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd. Rather than loiter around for a prizegiving, we want visitors to Central Otago to spend their time (and money) after events sightseeing and supporting local businesses.

We will print certificates for all Junior grades for the Long Distance event only; M/W10A, M/W12 A & B, M/W 14 A & B, M/W 16 A & B, M/W18A, M20B. Time permitting, we'll present these between the Sprint and the Sprint Relay. If you aren't there to receive your certificate, look out for it near the caravan at the Middle Distance event.