DEDA Mentor Program

The DEDA Mentor Program has been designed to partner our juniors with an industry member to work on academic and personal goals, career development, professional skills and networking. Many times it is who you know, not what you know, that can get your foot in the door. As you move into college and the work force, you may need to reach out and contact people that you may not know well for help, guidance, and information. Knowing how to prepare and handle yourself in these situations is an important skill of success and one that is not often taught in school. Take your education to the next level and make an investment in your future!

Please feel free to review the Meeting Dates and most recent Mentor Program Handbook. Students will gain access to the Mentor Program Canvas Classroom at their check-in in the fall which will contain the new meeting schedule and content for the year. 







 We expect students to:

Please feel free to contact the STEM Mentor Program Coordinator with any questions or concerns. 

Ms. Eugene Chou at