Classroom Routines

Classroom Schedules

Morning Schedule

8:45-8:55 Arrival

8:55-9:20 Circle time/Music

9:20-9:45 Center Time

9:45-10:10 Free Choice/Play

10:15-10:20 Bathroom

10:20-10:45 Motor/Outside Play

10:45-10:55 Snack

10:55-11:10 Story time

11:15 Dismissal

Afternoon Schedule

12:45-12:55 Arrival

12:55-1:20 Circle Time/Music

1:20-1:45 Center Time

1:45-2:10 Free Choice/Play

2:15-2:20 Bathroom

2:20-2:45 Motor/Outdoor Play

2:45-2:55 Snack

2:55-3:10 Story time

3:15 Dismissal

Below is our daily morning and afternoon schedule, along with an explanation of what our objectives are for the class time.

Children arrive/Table play:

While the children are arriving to school either by bus or car, children meet together at the low table in the center of the room to engage in and participate with others in a daily sign in. Each child finds their name in print or by picture and makes a check mark, stamp or placing a sticker next to their name. Once everyone has arrived and signed in we transition to circle time.

Circle Time/Music:

During circle we all sit together and sing the “Hello song” to greet our friends and do name identification. Children match their name in print with their picture on the name chart. Depending on their developmental level some children will spell their name and/or will recognize their classmates names and letters. We will then count the number of boys, girls and teachers that came to school that day. Next we will work on the days of the week, month and counting the numbers on the calendar. We also discuss important dates, birthdays, field trips, Holidays and/or acknowledge things that are and will be happening in the room for the day. Also during this time we will sing a song, play musical instruments and/or do a finger play with props. Lastly the daily schedule is discussed which helps the children anticipate what will happen next, and shows them their choices for the day. Circle is a time to work on language, cognition, following directions, turn taking, and learning to stay at an activity for longer periods of time.

Center time:

During this time children have the opportunity to participate in an art activity at the art table, a sensory activity in the sensory table, and/or a fine motor activity at the fine motor table. Some activities are teacher directed and some are child directed. Each child is encouraged to try all three activities before moving on to free choice play in the other areas of the room. These activities allow the children to freely express themselves, be creative, and work on individual goals in the domains of cognition, language, social, independence and fine motor.

Free Choice Play:

During this time the children have the opportunity to explore all the areas in the room with guidance and/or support if needed. They can participate in social play in the housekeeping area, blocks/toys and games area and/or manipulate the computer, look at books, write and color at the writing center and/or extend their play during this time fosters decision making, problem solving and independence.

Motor/Outdoor Play:

At this time we will engage in more active play in the room or the outside playground. Activities are planned that focus on development of large muscle skills such as ball play, scooter boards, climbing, running, bike riding/scooting, throwing, etc.


During this time we will be working on toileting goals with the children.


Snack is provided by parents (thanks a bunch) for all the children. This is a wonderful social time for the children to talk amongst their friends about what they did today or something exciting at home or about themselves. Also at this time individually we will reflect on our day and document their comments on their “Today at School.” It is an opportunity to develop language skills, social skills and work on oral motor skills, and appropriate table behavior.

Story time:

Based on the unit/season a book and/or books will be read with addition to possible visual props (puppets, figures, flannel board characters) to assist in meeting the varying learning styles of all the children. Visuals tend to keep the children involved and attending to the story or activity at hand. Also music may be played or songs sang during this time. Story time/group assists in their learning by working on their cognition, language, and social skills.

Dismissal time:

During this time we work on independently managing materials such as coats and backpacks. In addition we focus on being safe when leaving the school building.

*Importance of Routine:

Consistent routines, activities that happen at about the same time and in about the same way each day, provide comfort and a sense of safety to young children. Whether it is time to play, time for a snack, or a loved one to return, knowing what will happen next gives preschoolers security and emotional stability. It helps them learn to trust that caring adults will provide what they need. When children feel this sense of trust and safety, they are free to do their "work." which is to play, explore, and learn.