Panchakarma Chikitsa

“Dharmarthkammokshanam Aarogyam Moolmutamam”

Ayurved is the science of life. It deals with total creation with special emphasis on the biology of life. The chief objective of this science is the conservation of health of a healthy person and the secondary objective is prevention & cure the diseases of a diseased person.

Panchakarma –

Panchakarma means “Five therapies” in Sanskrit. These five therapies are the most detoxifying treatments in ayurvedic medicine, cleansing all channels of the body and removing toxins that may later cause illness.

Objective of Panchakarma -

The purpose of Panchakarma is Shodhana (Bio – purification of the body).

According to Charaka Samhita (Ayurveda's oldest text), if a disease is treated with Shodhana, it does not recur. Thus Panchakarma is the ultimate way to heal and re-balance the body.

The Panchakarma Therapy consist of following steps / procedures :-

Purva karma (Praparatory phase) – Deepan, Paachana, Snehana, Swedana

Pradhaana Karma (Main Therapy) – Vaman, Virechana, Vasti, Nasya, Raktamokshana

Pashchaata Karma (Post procedures) – Sansarjan Krama, Parihaar Kaal, Rasayan (Rejuvenation therapy), Shaman therapy (Pacification therapy)

Purva Karma:-

1. Deepan-Pachan: Different type of Ayurvedic medicines are used for digestion of Aam-Vikar/raw metabolites or dosha’s of the body.

2. Snehan: Snehan means Oleation therapy, it is basically a type of lubrication system for the human body. It works by administrating internally and externally.

3. Swedana: Swedana is the process of inducing sweat with the help of steam, generated from medicated herbal decoctions. It dilate the channels of the body to detach the toxins from the tissues.

Pradhaana Karma:-

1. Vaman : Means to expel the vitiated Doshas through oral route (especially for Kaph dosha).

Indicated in the Skin diseases,Asthma,Metabolic problems etc.

2. Virechana : Means to expel out the vitiated Doshas through anal route (especially for Pitta dosha). Indicated in Heart Dieases, Pitta Disorders, Acidity etc.

3. Anuvashan Vasti (Oil enema) : It is an enema of medicated oils used through the rectal route.Indicated in Joints Pain,Constipation,neurological disorders etc.

4. Aasthapan Vasti (Cleansing enema) : It is an enema of decoctions used through the rectal route.Indicated in Back pain,Sciatica etc. (Vast treatment is especially for Vata dosha)

5. Nasya : The nasal administration of medicated oil/powder into nasal passage is called Nasya karma. Indicated in Insomnia, Migraine, Epilepsy & problems related to Supra- clavicular region etc.


It include sansarjana krama (a special graduated dietary regimen is advised by the doctor) along with some other rules & regulations, necessary for the maintenance of balanced doshas.

Other Special Therapies:

There are some special treatment which are very effective in the Panchakarma therapy, like -

1. Shirodhara : A specific type of meditional oil/liquid is poured from a specific height on the forehead region( Shirah-Pradesh). Specially very effective in Depression, neurological disorders, insomnia, Stress etc.

2. Shirobasti : A specific type of meditional oil/liquid is kept in headregion for a specific time period. It is beneficial in psychological problems, neurological problems, Insomnia etc.

3. Avgaahan : Person is sitted in a tub,filled with specific medicine. Its very usefull in piles, backpain etc.

4. Saravangadhara : Sneha/ Kwath is shattered on the whole body in a straight line( Dhara).Useful in Paralysis,Numbness of the body etc.

5. Netra Tarpan : Holding of the Medicated Grit on the eyes for a fixed time period. Specially for eye diseases etc.

6. Shashtikshaali pinda sweda : Cooked Sathi rice in medicated milk, make a bundle(Potli) of these rice and shoaked them in medicated milk and then fomentation is given to the whole body. Specific in muscular problems.

7. Parta Potli sweda : Bundle(Potli) of medicinal herbs is shoaked into the medicated oils, with the help of these bundles fomentation is given in a specific manner. Useful in the nervine problems, joints problem, muscular problems also.

8. Udvartan : Massage is given to the whole body with the help of the powder. Useful in obesity related problems etc.

9. Kati basti : fixed the frame of the floor on the back and holding the medicated oils in that frame for the fixed time period. Effective Backpain, Sciatica pain etc.

10. Janu basti : Holding of the medicated oils in the knee region. Mainly useful in knee joints Problem etc.

Panchakarma @ Department of Ayurveda & Holistic Health, DSVV

Registration Fee:

1. Foreigners & NRI – $ 10/-

2. Indians – Rs. 100/-

3. Students (Of DSVV) – Rs. 25/-

Therapy Charges :

Panchkarma Therapy – 9 days ( approx. Rs. 8000 – 9000/-)

Days : Monday To Saturday ( Sunday Closed)

Center's Opening Time :

10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Lunch Break : 2 to 3 pm)

OPD Timing :

@ Morning 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon

@ Evening 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Contact :

Email id :

What'sapp no. : 8954890390

Phone No. : 01334 -261367( Ext: 5514, 5487)