Keynote Speakers

[Dr. Etienne Wenger-Trayner]

Etienne Wenger-Trayner is a thought leader and consultant in the field of learning systems. He is the author and co-author of seminal books on communities of practice, including Situated Learning, where the term was coined, Communities of Practice: learning, meaning, and identity, where he lays out a theory of learning based on the concept, Cultivating Communities of Practice, addressed to practitioners in organizations who want to base their knowledge strategy on communities of practice, and Digital Habitats, on technology and communities.

[Dr. Jen Ross]

Dr Jen Ross is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Education, co-director of the Centre for Research in Digital Education, and Education Futures fellow at the Edinburgh Futures Institute.

Dr Ross researches, teaches and publishes on online and open education, digital cultural heritage engagement, and digital cultures and futures. She is one of the team behind the Manifesto for Teaching Online and the E-learning and Digital Cultures MOOC.

Dr Ross co-ordinates the Digital Cultural Heritage cluster in the Centre for Data, Culture and Society, and lead the Digital Cultural Heritage Research Network

[Dr. Alexandre Monnin]

Alexandre Monnin is Professor at the ESC Clermont Business School in ecological redirection and design, Director of the MSc “Strategy & Design for the Anthropocene” (ESC Clermont BS x Strate Ecole de Design Lyon) and Scientific Director of Origens Media Lab. Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, his thesis focused on the philosophy of the Web.

He is also a member of the network of experts of the Etalab mission, of the GDS Ecoinfo (CNRS), of the Scientific Council of the National Center for Music (CNM), of CY School of Design, member of the Board of Directors of the 27th Region and the Transition Paths Orientation Council in Quebec. Before that, he was a researcher at Inria, architect of the digital platform of Lafayette Anticipations and Head of Web Research at the IRI of the Center Pompidou. He has also collaborated with UNESCO and the Shift project (co-author of the report For digital "sobrieté" (modesty) in 2018).

Photo: Dorian Prost

Dr Michael Godhe is an associate professor (docent). His research interests concern representations of the future. My teaching concerns the interplay between technology and culture and cuts across subjects such as the culture and media history of robots, androids and AI to Critical Future Studies

[DR. Jerry Määttä]

Dr. Jerry Määttä is an affiliated Researcher at the Department of Literature at Uppsala University in Sweden. His work comprises the Sociology of literature, the modern book market, ecocriticism, science fiction, popular literature, disaster stories, role-playing games, fanzines/fan cultures, literary criticism, and literary prizes and awards.

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