
After the first exploratory workshop, this workshop explores possible, plausible, probable, or preferable futures in the context of emerging educational data-driven practices in Nordic countries.

The guiding question in this exploration is:

How can collaborative storytelling generate future(s) of education and question dominant educational sociotechnical imaginaries in Nordic countries?

In the workshop, participants from professional sectors in the educational field will work together with scholars from different disciplines in an exploratory attempt to collaboratively write down visions of education and data-driven practices in 2042.

Participants in groups will have the opportunity to publish their drafted stories and participate in the Jönköping Futures Literary Award in collaboration with Jönköping Literature House. Details about the publication venue and award will be announced during the workshop.

During the workshop, participants in groups will work together through the following steps:

  • Forming working groups

  • Formulating a topic for the story

  • Outlining characters and plot

  • Writing sequences of the plot

  • Visualizing and presenting the story