Parent Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures


In an effort to continue to increase safety, customer service, and efficiency, the Wycallis Primary Center has specific procedures for AM parent Drop-off and PM parent Pick-up.

The following procedures will be followed for students who ride to school in personal transportation with a parent or caregiver:

AM Morning Drop-off

AM parent drop off will be on the front sidewalk of the Large Loop near the Wycallis Entrance #2 (Wall Entrance) starting at 8:55 AM. Cars will enter the campus from Mountaineer Drive near the Junior High softball field and continue to drive up past the High School, past Mountaineer Stadium and Maintenance Building. Turn left on to Conyngham Avenue and continue to the Large Loop making a left hand turn. Proceed all the way to the cone marking the start of the drop-off zone. Please stop your car and have your child exit directly on to the sidewalk for safety reasons. Please wait your turn to pull away. Do NOT pass cars on the left side due to safety concerns. Please exit the lot to the right and proceed in front of the Middle School, past the tennis courts and back down Mountaineer Drive, and exit on to Hildebrandt Road.

Students will enter the school via the wall entrance and proceed directly to their homerooms.

If you have a child at both schools, please drop-off at the Dallas Intermediate School first at the rear of their building, and then proceed to the Large Loop at Wycallis to drop your Primary Center student at Wycallis Entrance #2 (Wall Entrance).

Please exit the lot to the right and proceed in front of the Middle School, past the tennis courts and back down Mountaineer Drive, and exit on to Hildebrandt Road.

PM Parent Pick-up

Wycallis Primary School PM parent pick up will start at 3:35 PM on the front sidewalk of the Large Loop near the Wycallis Entrance #2 (Wall Entrance). Cars will enter the campus from Mountaineer Drive near the Junior High softball field and continue to drive up past the High School, past Mountaineer Stadium and Maintenance Building. Turn left on to Conyngham Avenue and continue to the Large Loop making a left hand turn. Proceed all the way to the cone marking the start of the pick-up zone.T he staff in charge of dismissal will be identified by those wearing a safety vest, and will be stationed at the Wycallis Entrance #2 (Wall Entrance) to dismiss each student to their vehicle and the adult picking them up. Please wait your turn to pull away. Do NOT pass cars on the left side due to safety concerns.

Effective this year: Please do NOT park in the Administration lot and walk over to pick your child up.

Please exit the lot to the right and proceed in front of the Middle School, past the tennis courts and back down Mountaineer Drive, and exit on to Hildebrandt Road.

If you have a child at both schools, please pick-up at the Dallas Intermediate School first and then proceed to the Large Loop at Wycallis to pick up your Primary Center student at Wycallis Entrance #2 (Wall Entrance).

Please exit the lot to the right and proceed in front of the Middle School, past the tennis courts and back down Mountaineer Drive, and exit on to Hildebrandt Road.

Please call the Wycallis office at 570-674-7283 if you have any questions.