Homework Policies/Procedures

Homework Policies/Procedures


Homework in the subject of math can be expected every night. Many of the activities your child will be engaged within during science are cooperative group activities. Many, but not all, science activities will be completed during class time. Science homework will be on an “as needed” basis. Your child is expected to have all homework completed the following day it is assigned, or specified by calendar date. Homework in my class is viewed as “independent practice” and therefore crucial to your child’s mastery of the content. Homework will not be graded. Students with 100% homework return rate will earn participatory points added to their lowest quiz score for that marking period. If a student misses class due to a band instrument lesson, it is the STUDENT'S responsibility to determine what was missed and make up any missed work in the same timely manner, as a student who was present in class. Instrument lessons DO NOT give the student the flexibility and latitude to hand in assignments late. If the student attends an instrument lesson during a review game, or cooperative group activity, the student will forfeit the opportunity to earn any cooperative points, and will be noted on the electronic grading system.

If you and your family go on an extended, educational trip during the school year, students will be responsible for completing a written and detailed daily journal of events and experiences while on vacation, to continue the student’s return rate as 100%. Homework packets will not be prepared ahead of time for absence due to vacations. If a student misses a quiz or test due to an absence, the student will have the exact number of days to make up a test or quiz as he/she was out. It is the student's responsibility to see me about making up the test within permitted, make-up time. If a student does not make up a test/quiz within the permitted make-up time, a zero will be recorded.

I WILL NOT and DO NOT accept any formal lab reports electronically, via email, unless there is an act of God that causes your family an inconvenience. Broken printers, empty ink cartridges ARE NOT viable excuses, since formal lab reports are assigned with ample time to complete and publish within the school, using Google Docs, or public library. If a student is in need of extra help, clarification or suggestions regarding any assignment, I am available for them to come and see me in room #206 before homeroom, during a student’s study hall with which I am free as well, or during Friday’s activity period. All I require is that the student respectfully communicates with their other study hall teachers, homeroom teacher and I before coming for help.


All math quizzes and tests will focus on assessing content skills and the planned course. Therefore, quizzes and graded assignments in math are executed throughout the marking period and may or may not be announced. All end-of-unit, math and science tests will be announced with at least three days advanced notice on my classroom planner and within my web site calendar. As mentioned previously, cooperative group activities occur frequently in math and science. With exception to formal science labs, students will not be graded on cooperative group activities. They will, however, receive cooperative points that can be accumulated within a marking period and added to the student’s lowest quiz or test score for that marking period. It is possible for a student to accumulate a significant amount of cooperative points during a marking period. Therefore, I do not assign, nor will accept “extra credit” work during a marking period. If a student simply accomplishes what is expected and participates as expected, the participatory points will be an unnecessary factor.


It is imperative to the success of our classroom to foster an environment of continued communication. In my experience, many issues can easily be resolved with continued open communication between the home and school. The Student Agenda is our first line of communication. The students are expected to keep assignments and share the expectations with the home on a daily basis. Test, quiz and project grades will be communicated through our district-wide, electronic grade book, (which should be running in October). My web site is an excellent resource to discuss your child’s academic responsibilities. The review of your child's progress on a weekly basis with them is strongly recommended. I will do my best to promptly reply to your emails, however, our school policy prohibits teachers to discuss sensitive details concerning your child’s academic and social performance.

Thank you for taking the time to review and discuss these policies with your child. I have always believed that the school and home needs to work together as a T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Accomplishes More) to ensure the success goals both you and I want for your child. I am also a profound supporter that positive change begins at the dinner table. Looking forward to serving you this year.