
Your personal access to Progress Book should allow your family to observe site pages. They should mirror our version of the gradebook, including all assignment comments To avoid confusion, I'm including a brief list of comment explanations you may observe.

* The symbol "0" indicates a student has completed an assignment/project by the due date expected. CSIU requires a numeral value for everything entered and since I do not grade homework, a "zero" will not count against their grade, but indicates the assignment was completed timely.

* The symbol "?", or no symbol indicates a student has not completed the assignment/project by the due date expected.

* The comment "MISSING" indicates the student did not complete the assignment/project by the due date expected, and has not taken advantage of the remaining "due day" time to complete the assignment and show it to me for credit. This comment may also be present if a student was absent and never completed the make-up work or test/quiz in a timely manner. "Missing" comments will not be changed even if a student completes the assignment beyond the due date.

* The comment "ABSENT" or "Absent when assigned" indicates the student was absent either the date assigned, or the day the assignment/project/quiz was due.

* The comment "INCOMPLETE FOR CLASS;COMPLETED LATE" indicates the student did not arrive to class with the assignment completed, but completed the assignment during the day for credit.

* The comment "EXEMPT" indicates that the student or cooperative group did not win or earn cooperative points in a competition.

* The indication of 1/0, 3/0 or 5/0 indicates a cooperative group or individual earned cooperative points for that assignment or activity.

Dallas Middle School Grading Scale

A= 92% - 100%

B= 83% - 91%

C= 74% - 82%

D= 65% - 73%

F= 0% - 64%