Classroom Policies/ Procedures

Classroom Policies/ Procedures

Personal Responsibility:

Within my classroom we operate under several teaching models, such as teacher directed, whole class instruction and cooperative learning groups. It is imperative for us to work together to reinforce a positive learning environment. The following is a list of expectations and consequences that will be enforced within my classroom.

*Each child is expected to enter the classroom quietly and prepared with the appropriate materials, to begin work.

*Each child is expected to be prepared with the necessary subject materials and assignments, on a daily basis, for all classroom activities.

*Each child is expected to be responsible for their actions of their hands, feet and verbal responses.

*Each child is expected to raise their hand and wait until called upon before offering answers.

*Each child is expected to respect one another and adults at all times.

*When working in cooperative groups, each child is expected to actively contribute to the goals of the group activities.

*Each child is expected to complete assignments and projects timely.

As a veteran teacher, I am well aware that it is improbable to expect perfect behavior from every student, each waking moment within the classroom. Therefore, the following is a list of consequences to be followed when rule infractions occur.

Depending upon the severity of the action, when a child breaks a rule the first time a warning will be given. If the infraction is severe, such as severe breach of student handbook policy, an administrative referral will immediately be made.

*If inappropriate behavior continues, an “in class” or “out of class” time out will occur. A student may also lose a group, classroom privilege, or lose cafeteria eating privileges and serve a lunch detention with the homeroom teacher.

*If a child continues to make inappropriate choices after a “time out” has been served, a note could be written in the child’s agenda book, and/or an email or phone call home.

When students contribute to the class as positive role models, the following will be rewarded to them as earned. Privilege within the classroom or outside the classroom which may include, but not limited to, verbal praise, positive notes home, material rewards, participatory points or “no homework” passes.