Student Assistance Program (SAP)


Student Assistance Program

SAP is an early intervention program for students who are having difficulty being successful in school. SAP involves the coordinated efforts of professionals (a building administrator, two or more classroom teachers, a school counselor, a social worker, a school nurse, and others) who comprise the Student Assistance Core Team. The core team is trained to recognize students in need, to determine the nature of the problem, and refer students to assistance.

Areas of concern may include:

*Substance Abuse

*Eating Disorders

*Physical and Sexual Abuse


*School Phobia

*Suicide Prevention


*Abusive Relationship (verbal or physical)

The Dallas School District Team invites you to join them with referrals, cooperation, and support so that we can effectively help every student requiring assistance.

The Dallas School District & Teams have committed themselves to help identify students who are having problems that are affecting their learning. Each child is a special individual who is a product of his or her home, school, and community environments; therefore, for student assistance to be effective, a team effort is required. It is necessary that all significant adults in a child's life work together to guide and support him or her through this milestone of life called adolescence. The desired outcome is for the student and the family to receive the support needed to resolve problems.

Student referrals come from students, parents, teachers, counselors, and administrators. If you have a concern for the physical and/or emotional well-being of a student, please fill out a SAP referral form. In school, pick up a SAP referral form in the office or in front of the nurse's office. You may also print a form from the link above. Please return all completed forms to the student's school to the attention of the Team.

High School Team Members

Mr. Daniel Natitus - Assistant Principal

Mrs. Bonnie Kalish - Nurse

Mrs. Jaclyn Degnan - Home and School Visitor

Mrs. Susan Berecin - Teacher

Mr. Matthew Kelly - School Counselor

Mrs. Gina Kotowski - School Resource Officer

Ms. Kristen Thomas - School Counselor

Web Links

Alcoholic Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Narcotics Anonymous is an international, community-based association of recovering drug addicts with more than 31,000 weekly meetings in over 100 countries worldwide.

Narcotics Anonymous

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength and hope, in order to solve their common problems. The purpose of Al-Anon/Alateen is to help families of alcoholics.

Pennsylvania Al-Anon/Alateen

The mission of Caron is to provide an enlightened, caring treatment community in which all those affected by alcoholism or other drug addiction may begin a new life. The site includes information about Caron programs and services. Caron's resource center has links to many helpful sites including Caron's Parent Network, teen sites and drug facts.

Caron Foundation

A website with information on how to take action against substance abuse and gun violence, includes useful information and resources.

Join Together

Support Agencies

Children's Service Center

Alyssa Hill

(570) 836-2722 ext. 827

Wyoming Valley Alcohol & Drug

Stefanie Wolownik

(570) 820-8888 - The Jed Foundation